Egyptian Pantheon
Table of Contents

The Ogdoad
The Ogdoad were a group of eight deities in the Egyptian Pantheon who were worshipped in Heliopolis. These deities represented the primordial forces of creation and were depicted as four male-female pairs. Each pair symbolized a different aspect of the chaos that existed before the creation of the world.

The Ennead
The Ennead were a group of nine deities in the Egyptian Pantheon who were worshipped in Heliopolis. The Ennead was central to the Heliopolitan creation myth, which focused on the origins of the world and the divine lineage of the gods.

Pyramid of Heaven
The Pyramid of Heaven in the Egyptian Pantheon consists of the deities who aligned themselves with Atum and his family during the era of the Egyptians. They were mostly deities who held authority over the air and lived in earthly heavens during this period of time.

Pyramid of Earth
The Pyramid of Earth in the Egyptian Pantheon consists of the deities who aligned themselves with Ra and his family during the era of the Egyptians. They were mostly deities who held authority over the earthly elements and knowledge. They lived among the mortals during this period of time.

Pyramid of Duat
The Pyramid of Duat in the Egyptian Pantheon consists of the deities who aligned themselves with Osiris and his family during the era of the Egyptians. They were mostly deities who held authority over soul and magic. They lived among the mortals during this period of time.