Nabû baMarduk

Gaḇrīēl (real name: Nabû baMarduk) is the firstborn son of Marduk baYanahar, by his mother Yamauat. He is also the elder brother of Azurad BaMarduk. He is considered the first born werewolf in the Pact of Marduk. But proved himself and became a servant/sukkal to his grandfather Yanahar. This allowed him to become the Chief Messenger of the gods.

Table of Contents

History of Nabû baMarduk

The Chief Messenger

Nabû baMarduk was born in the Akhron in the Realm of Qur before the collapse of the Chronoverse. He was the firstborn son of Marduk baYanahar by his mother, Yamauat. He is also the elder brother of Azurad BaMarduk. He is considered the first born werewolf in the Pact of Marduk. He was seen as an abomination in the eyes of Yahauah, but proved himself and became a servant/sukkal to his grandfather Yanahar. This allowed him to become the Chief Messenger of the gods.

The three names Nabû would be most well known as are Nabû in Mesopotamia, Thṓth or Ḏḥwtj in Egypt, and Hermes in Greece. His wife Nani baUrash was known Tašmētum in Mesopotamia, Maat in Egypt, and Peithō in Greece. Nabû was seen as the god of wisdom, knowledge, writing, science, magic, art, judgment, boundaries, roads, travelers, merchants, thieves, commerce, language, and messages. While his wife, Nani, was seen as the goddess of hearing, reconciliation, order, truth, balance, harmony, law, morality, justice, and persuasion. Together they served as messengers and intercessors between mortals and the gods as well as between gods and gods.

In his royal as the Chief Messenger of the Heavens, he became known as an emissary and prophet of the gods, always bringing their will to the mortals who they wished to sway and command. He was then adopted by mortal heralds/prophets, travelers, thieves, merchants, and orators as their protector.

Since his mother is Yamauat aka The Grim Reaper, he was seen as a psychopomp or “soul guide”, a conductor of souls into the afterlife. However, that role was only acted on when the gods had specific mortals that Yamauat wanted him to bring to her.

The Archangel Gaḇrīēl

Towards the time of the Hebrews and after the Great Exile, he would become known as the Archangel Gaḇrīēl. He was seen as having the power to announce the will of the Heavens to mankind, during a time when the presence of multiple gods became less common.

He holds the tablets that express the annals of time and has appeared to many mortals to give them insight into their destinies and the visions they have received. He was there to explain Daniel’s vision to him, foretell the birth of John the Baptist to Zechariah, foretold the virgin birth, and revealed the verses to Muhammad.

In the eyes of Kabbalism, he is identified with the sephirah of Yesod. There, Gaḇrīēl is portrayed as working in concert with Michael as part of God’s court.

The God of the Called

During the era of the Egyptians he was called Thṓth (also spelled Thoth and Thōout) and Ḏḥwtj, god of writing and wisdom. He was also associated with the moon; the crescent moon was symbolized by his ibis beak. In art, he was often depicted as a man with the head of an ibis or a baboon, animals sacred to him. Further, they saw him as the god of the moon, wisdom, knowledge, writing, hieroglyphs, science, magic, art, and judgment.

The Phoenicians would refer to him as Neḇo, god of literacy, the rational arts, scribes, and wisdom. He was associated with the planet of Mercury. His name means “The Called” and was the tutelary deity of the city Borsippa (to the south of the city of babylon) and of its temple Ezida. He became known as the divine scribe, writer, and bearer of the “tablets of destiny” that enshrine the decrees of the gods. In accordance with this role, he was considered patron of the scribal art and of human learning.

When the Greeks rose to power he became known as Hermês (also spelled Hermes and Hermāhās). He was the god of boundaries, roads, travelers, merchants, thieves, athletes, shepherds, commerce, speed, cunning, language, oratory, wit, and messages. By the Romans he is known as Mercurius. He is able to move quickly and freely between the worlds of the mortal and the divine aided by his winged sandals. Hermes plays the role of the psychopomp or “soul guide”—a conductor of souls into the afterlife.

The Slavic and Celtic people would refer to him as Nav and Lugh. As Nav, his name was a Slavic phrase used to denote the souls of the dead. He became the face of the underworld that Veles held custody over. As Lugh, he was the Celtic god of justice, war, kingship, craftsmen, skills, trade and harvests.

During the last kingdom of the Norse, he was called Hermóðr (also spelled Hermod). He was known as the “war-spirit”, is the Norse god of messages and is the fastest Æsir in existence. After the death of Baldur, the gods were speechless and unable to react due to their grief. After the gods gathered their wits from the immense shock and grief of Baldur’s death, Frigg asked the Æsir who amongst them wished “to gain all of her love and favor” by riding the road to Hel. Whoever agreed was to offer Hel a ransom in exchange for Baldur’s return to Asgard. Hermóðr agreed to this and set off with Sleipnir to Hel.


Character Information

Real Name

Gracie Portilla


Gracie the Porthole


Grace Portilla
Gracie the Porthole
Gracie Amarsanaa



Current Age

588 years old (Phase 1)

Date of Birth

5392 AD in Ireland > Earth-3.13 > Transylvania

Date of Death

August 2, 5927 AD in Scotland > Earth-3.13 > Transylvania

Family Information

Marriage Name

Family Name: Amarsanaa

Spouse and Children

Garamgai Amarsanaa (Husband)
➥ Tierney Amarsanaa (Daughter)
➥ Gréagóir Amarsanaa (Son)
➥ Deaglán Amarsanaa (Son)
➥ Iúile Amarsanaa (Daughter)
➥ Fionnbharr Amarsanaa (Son)

Relative Information

Surname/Family Name

Family Name: Portilla

Parents and Siblings

Rowan Portilla (Father)
Maureen Conroy (Mother)

Character Biology



Werewolf (Turned)

Height and Weight

5’3″ (160.02 cm)
112lbs (50.8023kg)


Biological Gender


Gender Identity




Auras and Abilities

Active Abilities


Passive Abilities


Paraphernalia and Contacts












Datrov Pack
Lucius Pack
The Armory
Pact of Marduk


Conceição Ventura
Euan Grier
Garamgai Amarsanaa
Tyrone Davis
Mihaila Filipov
Rose Lesauvage
Lilyana Petrov
Lucius Nikolaev
Selene Dobrev


Enemy Factions

Lucius Pack
Hughes Pack


Lucius Nikolaev
Selene Dobrev
Logan Hughes
Maisie Blair


Nabû baMarduk Gallery

Gracie Portilla


Gracie Portilla Gracie Portilla Gracie Portilla Gracie Portilla Gracie Portilla Gracie Portilla Gracie Portilla Gracie Portilla