
The Decider (real name: Yamauat) is a primordial goddess of ancient days, born from the abyss. She is considered the last born of the primordial beings in the Zetalon history books. From her death and poison was born. She is the supreme authority of the Cult of Tawana and from the Cult of Tawana was born the Bidqar.

When the Chronoverse was collapsing she sacrificed her home of Akhron to help The Maalik handle the influx of souls that came from the collapse of the Chronoverse. It was an unprecedented situation and she had to merge her domain, Akhron, with Kur to help speed up the expansion of Kur.

Table of Contents

History of Yamauat

From the Void

Yamauat was born last of all her siblings and is the baby of the primordial beings. She emerged from the void as a purple essence and adored her older brother Yadabaq with all her heart and accepted the darkness that he so loved. From her emergence the auras of death, fire, life, and poison came into being. However, when they took humanoid forms in Beriah she turned out to be albino and had a pale complexion compared to the others. She was ashamed of it and felt her siblings would treat her poorly.

Yadabaq comforted her and helped her see her uniqueness as her own beauty. Helped her gain confidence and took her under his wing to teach her all he could about the darkness, magic, and so much more. She became unwaveringly loyal to him during her younger years. As she grew older she was loyal but could differentiate what was best for her from her love of her older brother.

Yamauat’s name means “She Who is Death” and “She Who is Destroyer” in both the language of the primordial beings and the language of Zetish. This has represented her throughout the ages as she was someone who was known as the person who greets those at the end of their lives.

The Great Wars

The Great Wars were a period in the era of the Meltsar where Yahayah and Yadabaq could not come to agreement on anything that occurred. The Meltsar species were supposed to be guardians of the land and earth that was created. However, each primordial had their own Meltsar creations that were given free will. That period of time was turmoil across the lands. As loyal as Thanatos was to her brother, Yadabaq, she knew it was not good for her and her people to participate.

Thus, Thanatos made the decision to create a planet for herself to dwell in with those who were followers of her. She, her husband, her Meltsar, many of the species, and some of the pre-hueman mortals left to join her in the new planet known as Kigal. The planet she created served as a purgatory, a way station of sorts for souls that died across the Chronoverse to be taken by her reapers.

The Realm of Qur

When the Chronoverse began to collapse the realm of Qur couldn’t expand fast enough to hold all of the souls that needed to be brought to it. Tawana used her abilities to merge Kigal and Qur together to expand it exponentially and technically indefinitely. She took her seat one a throne inside of The Maalik’s domain and continued her work as the ferrywoman of souls in a designated purgatory of Qur. She took on the name of The Decider and joined the Shabeh, seven Netsakh who were placed into authority by the Gavah Moatzah to maintain order across Zetalon for them.

In the times of Mesopotamia, they worshipped her as a minor god and demoness of disease named Namtar. She is best attested as the sukkal or attendant deity of the one who rules over the underworld. They did not worship her in the traditional sense but did participate in incantations to keep various malevolent forces in the underworld.

Her name in Sumerian meant fate. It can be differentiated from the ordinary word fate and she was looked at as the one who brings people to their fates. Namtar was most likely understood as the personification of unavoidable fate, implicitly understood as death.

The Grim Reaper

In the land of the Sumerians and Mesopotamians she was known as Namtar and Ninmesharra. She was regarded as a goddess and demon of disease. She was entrusted with keeping various other malevolent forces in the underworld. Namtar’s name means “fate” in Sumerian. She is the personification of the unavoidable fate, implicitly understood as death.

With the Egyptians she was known as Heqet (also spelled Heket). She was a goddess of fertility. To the Egyptians, the frog was an ancient symbol of fertility, related to the annual flooding of the Nile. The frog was her symbol and she was sometimes depicted as having the head of a frog when she would appear before them in the Earth.

With the Greeks and Romans she was known by many names but most notably was Thnēskō (also spelled Thanatos). She was the personification of death. She was a minor figure in Greek history, often referred to but rarely appearing in person. By the Romans she was called Mors. She is often shown carrying an inverted torch, representing a life extinguished.

By the Greeks and Romans she was also called Hekátē (also spelled Hecate) and Trivia. She was most often shown holding a pair of torches, a key, or snakes, or accompanied by dogs. In later periods depicted as three-formed or triple-bodied. She is associated with crossroads, night, light, magic, protection from witchcraft, the moon, graves, and ghosts.

When she visited the Slavic and Celtic people she would be called Morana (also called Morė) and The Morrígan (also called Morrígu). Morana is Slavic goddess associated with seasonal rites based on the idea of death and rebirth of nature. She was seen as an ancient goddess associated with winter’s death, rebirth and dreams.

The Morrígan was a goddess from Irish history. Her name meant “great queen” or “phantom queen”. The Morrígan was mainly associated with war and fate, especially with foretelling doom, death, or victory in battle. In this role she often appears as a crow, the badb. She incites warriors to battle and can help bring about victory over their enemies.

The last culture she would touch and be named was the Norse, who called her Hel. She was seen as presiding over an underworld realm of the same name as her, where she receives a portion of the dead. Her appearance is described as half purple and half flesh-colored and further as having a gloomy, downcast appearance.

The Great Exile

There came a time when the primordial beings, their descendants, and their creations jeopardized the balance of the timeline, before the birth of the Chronoverse. In order to save it Beyt Gavah appeared in the times of ancients and the Gavah Moatzah implored Iah to work with them to save the Chronoverse.

Iah was already tired of his siblings constant perversion of the huemans and leading his creation astray so he agreed to it with no complaints. Iah and the Gavah Moatzah cast the inhabitants out of the divine timeline and splintered everything, creating the Chronoverse.

The main timeline was sealed away so that the primordial beings and all those that were cast out were not able to access it. Tawana and her people already existed outside of the timeline in Akhron so they remained there when the sealing occurred. She continued her work with her reapers to ferry those who died to Akhron to await The Maalik’s sorting of them into the righteous, the unrighteous, and those worthy of the trials.

The Decider

Character Information

Real Name
The Decider

Mavet (Šamym)
[𒉆𒋻] Namtar (Sumerian)
Ninmesharra (Mesopotamian)
[ḥqt] Heqet (Egyptian)
[𐤌𐤅𐤕] Maveth (Phoenician)
[Θάνατος] Thnēskō (Greek)
[Ἑκάτη] Hekátē (Greek)
[Κῆρες] Keres (Greek)
Mors (Roman)
Morta (Roman)
Trivia (Roman)
Morana (Slavic)
Matronae (Celtic)
Morrígan (Celtic)
Hel (Norse)
Thanauaanah / Thoanah
Thawanah / Tawana
Death / Grim / The Reaper
The Decider

Current Age
Date of Birth
in Central Axis ⥈ Tahom

Family Information

Marriage Name
Spouse and Children

Yashaal (Soulmate Husband)
Yahauah baYahayah (Trickery)
➥ Hayalal baYahauah (Son)
➥ Gaphan baYahauah (Daughter)
Yanahar baYahayah (Lover)
➥ Marduk baYanahar (Son)
Marduk baYanahar (Lover)
➥ Azurad baMarduk (Daughter)
➥ Nabu baMarduk (Son)
Yadabaq (Lover)
➥ Nefro (Son)
➥ Maglah (Son)
➥ Sond (Daughter)

Relative Information

Surname/Family Name
Parents and Siblings

Yahayah (Brother)
Yadabaq (Brother
Yarakham (Sister)
Yadayan (Brother)

Character Biology


Height and Weight

5’9″ (175.26 cm)
132lbs (59.8742kg)


Biological Gender
Gender Identity

Auras and Abilities

Active Abilities

Absolute Death ManipulationAbsolute Life InducementAbsolute Life ManipulationAbsolute Organic ManipulationAcidic Poison GenerationAfterlife ConnectionAfterlife ManipulationAfterlife TransportDeath Field ProjectionDeath InducementDeath ManipulationDeath NegationDeath RemovalDeath-Force ManipulationEnergy ManipulationEsoteric Toxin ManipulationFatal TouchFire BoundaryFire GenerationFire ManipulationFire MimicryFlawless RestorationHealingHealth ManipulationKilling EyesLife Aspect ManifestationLife CreationLife Creation FieldLife DerivationLife Field ProjectionLife WellspringLife-Force AugmentationMeta Death-Force ManipulationMeta Life-Force ManipulationMiasma EmissionOmni Fire ManipulationOmnicidePoison AbsorptionPoison GenerationPoison InducementPoison InfusionPoison ManipulationPoison TransmutationReincarnation ManipulationRelative Appearance AlterationResurrection ManipulationToxic AreaToxic Energy ManipulationToxicity Manipulation

Passive Abilities

Absolute ImmortalityAbsolute Life-ForceArchetype of DeathDeath ConnectionDeath DerivationDeath EmpowermentDeath SenseDeath TranscendenceFire EmpowermentLife ConnectionNecropresenceNecroscienceOmnipoisonPoison AttacksPoison BreathPoison ImmunityPoisonous AuraPoisonous BloodPyroscienceToxikinetic CombatToxikinetic ExoskeletonUltimate Acidic PoisonUltimate PoisonVitaliscience

Paraphernalia and Contacts




Mother Death
Grim Reaper
The Decider
Damgalnuna (Sumerian)


Grim Reaper
The Decider



[𒆳] The Maalik
[𒄖] The Threader
[𒅕] The Dreamer
[𒊬] The Scribe
[𒌋] The Gifter
[𒅗] The Warden
[𒁈] The Guider





Enemy Factions



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