Yahauah baYahayah

Šamyaza (real name: Yahauah baYahayah) is the second born son of Yahayah by his soulmate wife, Yasharah. He emerged in the realm of creation, Beriah. He is considered to be born from the light while his brother was born from the dark. They remain in constant battle with each other.

He has gone by many names; Enlil, Amun, Baāl, Zeus, Thor, and more. He was given the heirship of his father's kingdom and made the Lord of the Command. Thus, usurping the authority from his brother who was rightful heir as firstborn.

Table of Contents

History of Yahauah baYahayah

A War of Air and Water

Yahauah baYahayah was born in the Beriah realm before the creation of the Chronoverse. In the times after the darkness was sealed away he was birthed in the light as a second born child to Yahayah. He was like a storm as he emerged and was thunder as he grew up. Even though his brother was the rightful heir to the throne and kingship of Yahayah he was able to usurp it thanks to his mother.

His mother, Yasharah, never truly liked his older brother and advocated with his father, Yahayah, to give the throne to the male child she bore him. He was able to gain the position of the heir but he would commit an act of abomination by having a child with his twin sister, Naāmah. This angered their father and thus he cursed their daughter. The curse he placed on her turned her skin white as snow, her hair became limp and hung long, she could no longer sleep normal, and had an unquenchable thirst for blood.

Yahauah was considered the God of the Air and God of the Earth, the second a he battled with his brother and nephew over for generations. Their feuds would continue for generations of huemans and they were known as Enki and Enlil, Yam and Baāl, Poseidon and Zeus, Neptune and Jupiter, Loki and Thor, and many more. Their battles would shake the earth and cause the skies to erupt with thunder and lightning.

The Lord of the Heavens

When the divine landed on planet Nibiru of universe Shomer and took it into universe Laniakea, Yahauah took on the name of Enlil (EN.LIL). In the language of Sumeria (Shomeriah), his name would mean Lord (En) of Wind (Lil). Because his father gave him dominion over the sky and universe while his brother was called Enki (EN.KI) and given dominion over the earth.

Enlil himself was so holy that not even the other gods could look upon him. However, he is the father of the angels and known by another name which is Šamyaza, the leader of the Sons of God aka The Watchers.

The hybrid offspring born from the mating between heavenly watchers and earthly beings were called the Nephilim or mighty ones for they were large in stature, strength, and renown amongst their fellow hueman.

King of the Heavens

Before he made his way from Šamym to Earth, he would be given the title Enlil by his father, Anu. The later earthlings would call him Nunamnir. He was associated with wind, air, earth, and storms. He usurped his brother Enki for the throne of Anu and became the ruler of the heavens while his brother was given the earth to rule over. He is the leader of the divine beings and sovereign ruler.

During their ventures to Egypt, he would gain the name Amun (also spelled Amen). He was a major ancient Egyptian deity attested from the Old Kingdom together with his wife Amunet. They saw him as the king of the gods and his name meant “the hidden one” or “invisible”.

The Phoenicians were the next to engage him. They would call him simply LORD or Baāl. His name meant owner in the Northwest Semetic languages. He was the god of fertility, weather, rain, wind, lightning, seasons, war, and sailors. He is known as the rider of the clouds.

During the rise of the Greeks and Romans he would be called Zeús (also spelled Zeus), the sky and thunder god. He ruled as king of the gods on Mount Olympus. The Romans called him Iūpiter (also spelled Jupiter) and Tsedek. He is also the god of law and order and serves as a divine judge.

The Slavic and Celtic peoples would call him Perun and Taranis (also spelled Tanarus). As Perun, he was the highest god of the pantheon and the god of sky, thunder, lightning, storms, rain, law, war, fertility and oak trees. His other attributes were fire, mountains, wind, iris, eagle, firmament, horses and carts, and weapons. He was first associated with weapons made of stone and later with those of metal.

He was was worshipped primarily in Gaul, Hispania, Britain, and Ireland, but also in the Rhineland and Danube regions, amongst others. Taranis, along with Esus and Toutatis, are mentioned as a Celtic deities to whom human sacrificial offerings were made. Taranis was associated with the wheel.

During the last eras with the Norse, he was called Thor (also written as Thunor). He was a prominent god in Germanic paganism. In Norse religion, he is a hammer-wielding god associated with lightning, thunder, storms, sacred groves and trees, strength, the protection of humankind, hallowing, and fertility.

During his time on the earth he would gain the names of Šamyaza and Yahovah. He was the leader of the Watchers and considered by the Hebrews as a fallen angel. He is the creator of the angels by order of his father, Iah. His name means “gazes from heavens”, which coincides with the Watchers who kept an eye on the huemans of the mortal realm. These Watchers became consumed with lust for mortal women and entered into machinations against heaven in order to consummate their desires.

The Great Exile

There came a time when the primordial beings, their descendants, and their creations jeopardized the balance of the timeline, before the birth of the Chronoverse. In order to save it Beyt Gavah appeared in the times of ancients and the Gavah Moatzah implored Iah to work with them to save the Chronoverse.

Iah was already tired of his relatives constant perversion of the huemans and leading his creation astray so he agreed to it with no complaints. Iah and the Gavah Moatzah cast the inhabitants out of the divine timeline and splintered everything, creating the Chronoverse.

The main timeline was sealed away so that the primordial beings and all those that were cast out were not able to access it. For a time they couldn’t move between universes either and had to learn that. Šamyaza was cast into the 8.0 universe called Rashut. He was placed there with his sister, Lilith, his granddaughter, Lucyfer, his future wife, Gilah, and many others.

He would eventually have his aura split in two, creating a man of good and a man of evil. Two sides of him that would constantly fight against one another until they were combined into one again to return him to his original form. His evil side was called Allen Jones or Carbon, while is good side was called Deacon Jones or Belligerent.


Character Information

Real Name
Yahauah baYahayah

[𒀭𒂗𒆤] Enlil (Sumerian)
Elil (Sumerian)
Nunamnir (Mesopotamian)
[Ⲁⲙⲟⲩⲛ] Amun (Egyptian)
[𐤁𐤏𐤋] Baāl (Phoenician)
[‎‎𐤁‎‎‎𐤉𐤏𐤒‎‎‎‎] Yaāqab (Phoenician)
[Ζεύς] Zeus (Greek)
Iūpiter (Roman)
[Перýн] Perun (Slavic)
Taranis (Celtic)
[Þórr] Thor (Norse)
He Sees the Name
Gazes from Heaven
Heaven’s Chest
[שמחזי] Shemhazai (Hebrew)
[שמיחזה] Shamykhazah (Aramaic)
[Σεμιαζά] Šamyaza (Greek)
[ساميارس] Samyarus (Arabic)
Azza / Uzza / Ouza
Belligerent / Deacon Jones
Carbon / Allen Jones

Current Age
Date of Birth
in NibiruBeriahŠamym

Family Information

Marriage Name
Spouse and Children

Yamauat (Lover)
➥ Hayalal baYahauah (Son)
➥ Gaphan baYahauah (Daughter)

Naāmah baYahayah (Sister and Wife)
➥ Karamalah baYahauah (Daughter)
➥ Yaaras baYahauah (Son)
➥ Yarasah baYahauah (Daughter)
➥ Nauaār baYahauah (Daughter)
➥ Éris Zeusion (Daughter)
➥ Móði Thorson (Son)
➥ Magni Thorson (Son)

Ezina (Consort)
➥ None

Gilah baNanna (Grandchild and Wife)
➥ Moya Jones (Daughter)
➥ Dylan Jones (Son)

Suk-Lin Bāo (Lover)
➥ Shǎndiàn Jones-Bāo (Son)

Suth baYadabaq (Wife)
➥ Whitney Jones (Daughter)

Relative Information

Surname/Family Name
Parents and Siblings

Yahayah (Father)
➥ Yanahar baYahayah (Half Brother)
➥ Póntos baYahayah (Half Brother)
➥ Meili Odinson (Half Brother)
Yasharah (Mother)
➥ Naāmah baYahayah (Twin Sister)
➥ Baldr Odinson (Brother)
➥ Hodr Odinson (Brother)

Character Biology


Height and Weight

6’1″ (185.44 cm)
225lbs (102.0583kg)


Biological Gender
Gender Identity

Auras and Abilities

Active Abilities

Air ManipulationAnimal MorphingBirth ManipulationCelestial ManipulationCloud ManipulationDeificationDeity Lightning ManipulationDestiny AssignmentDivine BanishmentDivine Energy ManipulationDivine Force ManipulationDivine Lightning ManipulationDivine Weather ManipulationEarth ManipulationEconomy ManipulationElectricity ManipulationEsoteric Lightning ManipulationFertility ManipulationFlood CreationHealingImmortality BestowalImmortality ManipulationImmortality RemovalJustice ManipulationLaw ManipulationLife-Force GenerationLife-Force ManipulationLightning Bolt ProjectionOath KeepingOrder ManipulationPlant GrowthPlant ManipulationPunishmentRain ManipulationRemakingResurrectionSky ManipulationSky MimicrySmitingSolar VisionSoul ManipulationSpatial ManipulationStorm ManipulationStorm MimicrySummoningThunder ManipulationThundercloud GenerationThundercloud ManipulationThunderstorm CreationWeather ManipulationWind Generation

Passive Abilities

Age ManipulationAnimal CompanionshipEnhanced CharismaEnhanced CombatHeaven LordshipOlympus LordshipSky Lordship

Paraphernalia and Contacts



He Who Creates Mischief
King of Zion
Lord of Command
East Wind and North Wind
God of Wind
God of Air
God of Earth
God of Storms





Yanahar baYahayah
Marduk baYanahar

Enemy Factions

Cult of Poseidon
Pact of Marduk


Yahauah baYahayah Gallery