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The multiverse has collapsed and from its ashes a new universe, Zetalon, is born. However, five factions who worship the primordial gods of old and reject the new gods are all vying for control over the new universe. The old factions remain distracted while the new gods and their followers must contend with the cracks that are appearing in the fabric of space across their universe. Join the Chronicles of Blood and Time to see which faction reigns supreme and to see if something much more dire is occurring in Zetalon.

New Religions:

  1. Arbe Alut: 𐰁𐰺𐰋𐰍 𐰁𐰞𐰆𐱅 or Arbe Alut means Four Goddesses and is the religion of Zetalon that worships the Gavah Moatzah: Yaqaran who is Foundation, Yaḫim who Lives, Yæmt who is Truth, and Yeor who is Awakened.
    [Practices are similar to Hinduism and Shaktism]

Factions of Old:

  1. Jedim: The Jedim Faith began when Iah spoke to a man named Yashar Yatsar while he was in the wilderness. He returned on his pilgrimage and told his people to denounce the other primordial beings they had been worshipping because Iah was the one and only true primordial who created everything and would make a covenant with their people to bring them to prosperity.
    [Practices are similar to Catholicism and Christianity]
  2. Sithrim: Naār Habib is a former member of the religion that worshipped the Meltsar, creations of the primordial beings. He was a social and political leader, until one day he was divinely inspired to preach and confirm the teachings of Yadabaq and his descendants being the way to the truth and righteousness.
    [Practices are similar to Islam]
  3. Darashi: The Darashi was started by Kamael Ahab (Khamaua'al Ahab), a common man who would later marry his half sister. He heard the voice of Iahud one day call him out of his father's land so he may go to found a new nation in a land that was not told to him. He obeyed and would later become the leader of a nation that was established on the principle of seeking knowledge.
    [Practices are similar to Judaism]
  4. Ekom: The Ekom worship Mother Gaia and the natural world she embodies. Their reverence centers on the interconnectedness of life and the balance within nature, striving to protect and nurture the earth. Key figures like The Green Woman and Hatzalah represent different aspects of this deep connection with the environment. Practitioners of Ekom often engage in rituals that honor nature’s cycles and celebrate the harmony between all living beings, embodying a deep respect for Gaia’s gifts.
    [Practices are similar to Pagans]
  5. Bidqar: The Bidqar is also known as The Cult of Tawana or The Cult of Thanatos. It was a small but brutal cult in the age of antiquity. They did not directly worship Thanatos, Goddess and personification of Death, but instead her messengers, The Reapers. They sought to court favor and power from the Reapers and thought they could do this by providing the appropriate souls to the Reaper they wanted to summon.
    [Practices are similar to Wicca]

Tales of the Gods Prologue: Witness The Truth

Purus fermentum purus, enim faucibus diam amet ultricies ornare enim. Eu, sed vel nunc enim, sollicitudin vitae ut. Dolor augue congue fermentum euismod donec. Leo lectus...
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Tales of the Gods Epilogue: For the Love of Darkness

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Tales of the Gods 9: The Second Pyramid Wars

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Tales of the Gods 8: The First Pyramid Wars

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Tales of the Gods 7: The Cleansing

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Tales of the Gods 6: Rise of Humanity

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Tales of the Gods 5: Heaven on Earth

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Tales of the Gods 4: The Land of E.DIN

Purus fermentum purus, enim faucibus diam amet ultricies ornare enim. Eu, sed vel nunc enim, sollicitudin vitae ut. Dolor augue congue fermentum euismod donec. Leo lectus...
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Tales of the Gods 3: Mission Command

Purus fermentum purus, enim faucibus diam amet ultricies ornare enim. Eu, sed vel nunc enim, sollicitudin vitae ut. Dolor augue congue fermentum euismod donec. Leo lectus...
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