
Nateb (real name: Yashaal) is a primordial god of ancient days, instead of being born from the abyss he was born from the rib of Yamauat and created as her soulmate. From him the concept of inquiry and seeking counsel were born.

Before the Great Exile their marriage was filled with contentment and wasn't a passionate love. They never had any children as he was made caretaker to children she would have by others.

Table of Contents

History of Yashaal

The Land of Beriah

Yashaal or “He Who Inquires” or “He Who Seeks Counsel” was formed in the time of Creation on Beriah before Chronoverses emerged and after Yadabaq formed Yaphaqad to be his soulmate. This was after the darkness and the void was sealed away behind the creation wall. He lived during a time of immense creation, trial, and error by the primordial beings that he and his fellow first creations were wed to.

From his emergence inquiry, counsel, requests, demand, platonic desire, and begging were born. However, he would father no children by Yamauat but would be forced to care for children she had by others. During their younger years his wife would spend most of her time learning under Yadabaq the skills of magic and esotericism. He hated the sibling love and admiration she had for Yadabaq when he could not even manage platonic attention from her. However, he could not do anything because Yadabaq for years protected her against Yahayah.

Thus, as the first cuckold and through his begging for her attention he would finally be placated through an agreement for him to serve the darkness that her brother so loved and she would give him her time once every ten days, which he accepted and remained faithful to their agreement since the beginning.

The Great Wars

The Great Wars were a period in the era of the Meltsar where Yahayah and Yadabaq could not come to agreement on anything that occurred. The Meltsar species were supposed to be guardians of the land and earth that was created. However, each primordial had their own Meltsar creations that were given free will. That period of time was turmoil across the lands. As loyal as Thanatos was to her brother, Yadabaq, she knew it was not good for her and her people to participate.

Thus, she commanded Moros to not participate and they left for a new universe she created for them to dwell in with those who were followers of his wife. He joined her along with her Meltsar, many of the species, and some of the pre-hueman mortals in the new universe known as Shyakh. The universe she created served as a purgatory, a way station of sorts for souls that died across the Chronoverse to be taken to by the reapers.

The God of Sovereignty

When they became known to the planet of Earth, he would take on the name of Hanbi (also known as Hanpa). He was the personification of evil, lord of all evil forces. During the era of the Sumerians Pazuzu was seen as a tool of Nergal, but Hanbi took a fatherly role in her life and tried to provide protection to her against the wills of Nergal and Ereshkigal.

He is also called Enmesharra, meaning the Lord of all me’s. In the era of the Mesopotamians he was scene as god of the underworld. He is more so a resident of Qur rather than an authoritative figure. The stories told of Enlil and Namzitara describe him as Enlil’s paternal uncle, and alludes to a belief that he was the ruler of the universe in the distant past. He has been compared with Anzû, who in the corresponding tale steals Enlil’s right to declare destinities for himself.

By the Greeks he was called Moros (also spelled Morus), the personified spirit of impending doom, who drives mortals to their deadly fate. It was also said that Moros gave people the ability to foresee their death. By the Romans he is called Fatum. He is also referred to as “the all-destroying god, who, even in the realm of Death, does not set his victim free,” further supporting his image as representative of the inevitability of death and suffering.

In the days of the Slavic and Celtic people he was called Crnobog and Balor. As Crnobog, he was the Slavic “Black God”. He was considered the villain, the bad god that was worshipped and feared by the ancient Slavs. This is in comparison to Belobog, “White God”. As Balor, he was a leader of the Fomorians, a group of malevolent supernatural beings. He is often described as a giant with a large eye that wreaks destruction when opened.

During the last kingdom of the Norse, he would be called Höðr (also spelled Hodur, Hod, and Hoder). In the annals he is claimed to have been tricked and guided by Loki into shooting a mistletoe arrow, which was to slay the otherwise invulnerable, Baldr. In reaction to this, Odin would order Váli son of Loki once he reached adulthood to slay Höðr.

After the collapse of the Chronoverse and the emergence of Zetalon, The Decider would begin to call him Tukubizû, The Scepter of Knowledge. He never understood why she would call him that and everyone in the mortal realm who read the books thought it was because he considered him her claim to royalty. However, she never would tell anyone the reason behind this and said that her beloved elder brother is the only one who would know the true meaning of the name.


Character Information

Real Name

Hanbi (Sumerian)
Hanpa (Sumerian)
[𒀭𒂗𒈨𒊹𒊏] Enmesharra (Mesopotamian)
[𐤁‎𐤍𐤕𐤏‎‎‎] Nataāb (Phoenician)
[Μόρος] Moros (Greek)
Fatum (Rome)
Crnobog (Slavic)
Balor (Celtic)
[Höðr] Hodur (Norse)

Current Age
Date of Birth
in BeriahŠamym

Family Information

Marriage Name
Spouse and Children

Yamauat (Soulmate Wife)

Adikia baYadayan (Mistress)

Relative Information

Surname/Family Name
Parents and Siblings


Character Biology


Height and Weight

6’2″ (187.96 cm)
193lbs (87.5433kg)


Biological Gender
Gender Identity

Auras and Abilities

Active Abilities

Absolute Death ManipulationAbsolute Life InducementAbsolute Life ManipulationAbsolute Organic ManipulationAcidic Poison GenerationAfterlife ConnectionAfterlife ManipulationAfterlife TransportDeath Field ProjectionDeath InducementDeath ManipulationDeath NegationDeath RemovalDeath-Force ManipulationEnergy ManipulationEsoteric Toxin ManipulationFatal TouchFire BoundaryFire GenerationFire ManipulationFire MimicryFlawless RestorationHealingHealth ManipulationKilling EyesLife Aspect ManifestationLife CreationLife Creation FieldLife DerivationLife Field ProjectionLife WellspringLife-Force AugmentationMeta Death-Force ManipulationMeta Life-Force ManipulationMiasma EmissionOmni Fire ManipulationOmnicidePoison AbsorptionPoison GenerationPoison InducementPoison InfusionPoison ManipulationPoison TransmutationReincarnation ManipulationRelative Appearance AlterationResurrection ManipulationToxic AreaToxic Energy ManipulationToxicity Manipulation

Passive Abilities

Absolute ImmortalityAbsolute Life-ForceArchetype of DeathDeath ConnectionDeath DerivationDeath EmpowermentDeath SenseDeath TranscendenceFire EmpowermentLife ConnectionNecropresenceNecroscienceOmnipoisonPoison AttacksPoison BreathPoison ImmunityPoisonous AuraPoisonous BloodPyroscienceToxikinetic CombatToxikinetic ExoskeletonUltimate Acidic PoisonUltimate PoisonVitaliscience

Paraphernalia and Contacts




The Inquirer
The Scepter of Knowledge










Enemy Factions



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