
Morpheus (real name: Bunnah) is an attendant sukkal of the sun god, Samael, and a member of the House of Earth. Through his travels as the charioteer of Samael he would meet Sifrut and a mutual crush would form. However, since he was from the House of Earth and she the Underworld their love was impossible.

Table of Contents

History of Bunnah

The Charioteer of the Sun God

Bunnah was born in the Earth 3.0 universe before the collapse of the Chronoverse. Bunnah is an attendant sukkal of the sun god, Samael, and a member of the House of Earth. Through his travels as the charioteer of Samael he would meet Sifrut and a mutual crush would form. However, since he was from the House of Earth and she the Underworld their love was impossible.

During the times of the Egyptians he was called Sia and served as the companion of Ra on his solar barque. He was the god of perception and also had a connection with writing and was often shown in anthropomorphic form holding a papyrus scroll. This papyrus embodied intellectual achievements. He personified the perceptive mind. In ancient Egypt, Sia was believed to have been created from blood dripping from the phallus of Ra, the sun god. He was often depicted on the right side of Ra and was responsible for carrying a sacred papyrus containing knowledge and intellectual achievements.

Every night Sifrut would get to see Bunnah, but could never be with him for an extended period of time. After seeing the sorrow it caused Sifrut, The Maalik would make a deal with Samael. Bunnah (Sia) would marry Sifrut and Samael would be allowed to take a book from the library of Kur. The knowledge he gained terrified him, but no one else could see or hear what he tried to share. Once Bunnah was released from service to the sun god, he would take the name of Bes to complement Sifrut’s name of Beset.

The All-Seeing Dreamer

During the times of the Phoenicians he would become known as Shaḫar, god of the dawn. He was seen as the twin brother of Shalim, goddess of the dusk, in the eyes of the Phoenicians. However, Shalim was his wife, Sifrut.

In the times of the Greeks and Romans he would go by the name of Pasithea, with Pasi- meaning “all” and -thea meaning view or see. Thus, he was the all-seeing god, an honorific that was familiar to him as he served as the eyes of the sun god when he was his charioteer.

He would later take on his more modern name of Morpheus and become known as a god of dreams, along with his wife. He was seen as the fashioner of dreams of mortals and the divine. Like Mēlinóē he was seen as a bringer of messages from the divine. She was seen as the bringer of terrifying messages and him of all messages.

The Wandering God

He along with The Dreamer, The Guider, and The Cicerone became a quartet that acted on the words and governance of The Maalik. They were seen as an extension of the King of the Underworld. Since The Maalik was most protective over his daughters, this resulted in Morpheus being sent to different universes to deliver his messages. This caused him to be seen as a wanderer to many and a reoccuring presence in their dreams.

During the days of the Egyptians, he was known as Sia (also spelled Saa). He was the god of perception and was the equivalent to the intellectual energies of the heart of Ptah. He also had a connection with writing and was often shown in anthropomorphic form holding a papyrus scroll. This papyrus was thought to embody intellectual achievements. Also, he personified the perceptive mind.

When the Greeks become knowledgeable and would worship the gods, they would call him Pasithea (also spelled Pasithee and Pasitheós). He would be considered a woman and lumped in with the Graces based on his attire and appearance. Nonetheless, he was the being of relaxation, meditation, and hallucination.

The Greeks would also call him Morpheus, god of sleep and dreams. He was seen as the shaper or former of dreams. He often would appear to people with wings. He was known for his ability to shapeshift into humans so well that people couldn’t tell that he was not who he appeared to be. He’s also the leader of the Oneiroi, a group of dream spirits and his fellow dream divine beings, because he can influence the dreams of gods and kings.


Character Information

Real Name

[𒀭𒄯] Bunene (Sumerian)
Sia (Egyptian)
[Ⲃⲏⲥ] Bes (Egyptian)
Shaḫar (Phoenician)
[Πασιθέα] Pasithea (Greek)
[μορφή] Morpheus (Greek)

Current Age
Date of Birth
in Udunugki ⥈ Earth-3-0Mātušarrūtu

Family Information

Marriage Name

Not applicable

Spouse and Children

Sifrut (Wife)
➥ Nidum (Daughter)
➥ Ensilu (Son)

Relative Information

Surname/Family Name


Parents and Siblings

Marduk baYanahar (Creator)

Character Biology


Height and Weight


Biological Gender
Gender Identity

Auras and Abilities

Active Abilities

Bliss & Horror InducementDaydream ManipulationDream AbsorptionDream AttacksDream CommunicationDream CreationDream DestructionDream ImprisonmentDream InducementDream MagicDream ManipulationDream MaterializationDream NegationDream ObservationDream ReplicationDream ScryingDream SearchingDream TransportDream WalkingDream World MergingDream-LockDream-World ManipulationEndless DreamInspiration manipulationPrecognitive DreamingPsychic Energy ManipulationReality DreamingScript manipulationSleep ManipulationSubconscious ManipulationWriting manifestation

Passive Abilities

Absolute ImmortalityAll Sleep-based AbilitiesAlternative Dream UniverseChariot Riders AptitudeDream GuardianshipDream RealityDream SharingDream-World LordshipInfinite creativityOneiric OmnipresenceOneiric Omniscience

Paraphernalia and Contacts




The Vizier





Marduk baYanahar
Sifrut the Eternal Child





Enemy Factions



Bunnah Gallery