The Gifter

The Gifter holds a special place in the Gavah Moatzah's command. She travels between the Zetalon and Chronoverse, Dreamland, and Kur granting the wishes of the inhabitants as a gift for those who are deemed worthy. she is most known for granting the wish of the dead by resurrecting those who pass her tests in Kur.

She is closest to The Maalik and serves as a member of the Zabaniyah to oversee a territory all her own. Those The Maalik deems worthy to attempt the Trials of the Gifter are sent to her and if they pass then she resurrects them. If they fail then she sends them to their final place of resting.

Table of Contents

History of The Gifter

The Realm of Qur

The Gifter exists outside of time and the Chronoverses in a quarantined realm that was created by Gavah Yaḫayam to house the souls upon death. Before she created the realm and marked the starting point there was no place for souls during the time of the primordial beings. One day the realm was placed under the leadership of The Maalik. And the next day a territory for The Gifter emerged and she ascended to her throne to provide a chance for those worthy of resurrection.

In the times of Scandinavia, they worshipped her as the guardian spirit Hamingja. They believed that she accompanied a person and decided their luck and happiness. Consequently, the name was also used to indicate happiness. When a person died, they believed she passed to a beloved family member and thus accompanied a family for several generations, continuing to influence their fortunes.

Her name in Old Norse meant luck and referred to two concepts of luck: (1) the personification of the good fortune or luck of an individual or family, and (2) the altered appearance of shape-shifters. Their views of her were a bit more fantastical than what was reality. However, she did have her own helpers who would go out into the world to keep tabs on a family to help formulate the best tests for each person who was sent to her by The Maalik.

Gavah Moatzah

As the Gavah Moatzah settled the universe of Zetalon and established themselves as the new primordial gods of the land, they also completed tasks that would impact the entirety of the Chronoverses by creating their own realms that existed outside of time. One of such realms was that of Qur.

The Gifter is one of six entities that appeared out of nowhere to serve the Gavah Moatzah in their goals and needs. The Gifter was placed in charge of granting wishes and lived in the realm of Qur. The Maalik was placed in charge of the dead in the realm of Qur. The Warden was placed in charge of Beyt-Kele to maintain order across the Chronoverse. The Threader was placed at Beyt Gavah and placed in charge of healing the universe. The Dreamer who was placed in charge of the realm of Dreams. The Scribe who was placed in the realm of Natsar to record all of time and space.

The Governoress of the Colosseum

When the realm of Qur emerged and became known by the people of Nibiru, The Gifter was called Pazuzu. She was the personification of the southwestern wind, and held kingship over the lilu wind demons. She was considered as both a destructive and dangerous wind, but also as a repellant to other demons, one who safeguards the home from their influence. In particular she protected pregnant women and mothers.

When the Egyptians took to power she became known as Heret-Kau (also written as Heret). She was known as “She who is above the spirits”. She held a dominating force in the afterlife. She was a guardian of the dead in their afterlife, and sometimes an attendant to Isis.

In the era of the Greeks she was known as Eudaemon (also called Lares). She was the chief of the good daemons, opposer of the evil cacodaemon. The daemons were regarded intermediary spirits between gods and the men. Eudaemons, the good daemons, were understood as guardian spirits, bestowing protection and guidance to ones they watched over.

The Slavic and Celtic peoples called her Domovoi (also spelled Domowik) and Sucellus. Domovoi was the chief of the household spirits or guardian spirits of a given kin. They are deified progenitors, that is to say the fountainhead ancestors of the kin. Sucellus was a Celtic goddess that carried a large mallet and a olla (barrel). She is associated with agriculture and wine.

During the last kingdom of the Norse, she was known as Hamingja. She was a type of female guardian spirit in Norse mythology. It was believed that she accompanied a person and decided their luck and happiness throughout their lives.

The Gifter

Character Information

Real Name
Current Age
Date of Birth
in Unknown

Family Information

Marriage Name

Not applicable

Spouse and Children

Urash (Consort)
➥ Igalimma baUrash (Son)

Relative Information

Surname/Family Name


Parents and Siblings

Unknown (Father)
Unknown (Mother)

Character Biology


Height and Weight


Biological Gender
Gender Identity

Auras and Abilities

Active Abilities

Absolute Life InducementAbsolute Life-ForceDesire InducementEmotion ManipulationEmotion WeaponryEnergy ManipulationFlawless RestorationHealingHope ConstructsHope InducementHope MagicHope ManipulationHope PerceptionIllusion ManipulationLife AbsorptionLife Aspect ManifestationLife BreathLife ConnectionLife CreationLife Creation FieldLife Field ProjectionLife InducementLife MagicLife ManipulationLife MasteryLife PerceptionLife PreservationLife RenewalLife TranscendenceLife WeaponryLife WellspringLife-Force AugmentationLife-Force ManipulationLove AugmentationLove Bow ConstructionLove ConstructsLove DetectionLove InducementLove MagicLove ManipulationMeta Love InducementRed String ManipulationReincarnationResurrectionSocial AttractionSupernatural Life-ForceTrue Love VisageWish GrantingWish ManipulationWish Negation

Passive Abilities

Absolute WishBond EmpowermentCosmic WishHope AuraHope EmpowermentImmortalityIndomitable LoveLife EmpowermentLove AuraLove EmpowermentSoulmate ConnectionWish Granting Empowerment

Paraphernalia and Contacts






[𒆳] The Maalik
[𒄖] The Threader
[𒅕] The Dreamer
[𒊬] The Scribe
[𒅗] The Warden
[𒋻] The Decider





Enemy Factions



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