Table of Contents

with Yadarak
The form of Yadayan would go on into the realm of creation and create for himself a soulmate wife known as Yadarak. Together they would make the first of his lineage for the Yadayan family tree.
- Nanna baYadayan (Son)
- Gilah baNanna (Daughter) by Karamalah
- The Harbinger (Son) by Hayalal
- Amar Leubh (Daughter) by Yagalah
- Shal’vah Leubh (Daughter) by Yareach
- Flawra Leubh (Daughter) by Vergil
- Perach Leubh (Daughter) by Pock
- Emelia Leubh (Daughter) by Usada
- Tiffany Giluy-Leubh (Daughter) by Kele
- Nemesis Leubh (Daughter) by Usada
- Emelia Leubh (Daughter) by Usada
- Perach Leubh (Daughter) by Pock
- Flawra Leubh (Daughter) by Vergil
- Shal’vah Leubh (Daughter) by Yareach
- Rebecca Bennett (Daughter) by Merrion
- Lenora Vandershine (Daughter) by Fergus
- Elin Blackburn (Daughter) by Maḥṣen Virgo
- None by Keoni
- Kyōko Paternoster (Daughter) by Jaya
- Amar Leubh (Daughter) by Yagalah
- None by Yadabaq
- Hermaphróditos Hermesidas (Son) by Nabu
- Érōs Árēsidas (Son) by Yaaras
- Antérōs Árēsidas (Son) by Yaaras
- Phobus Árēsidas (Son) by Yaaras
- Deimos Árēsidas (Son) by Yaaras
- Harmonia Árēsion (Daughter) by Yaaras
- Moya Jones (Daughter) by Yahauah
- Elisabet Jones (Daughter) by Kaui
- Phyllis Nichols (Adopted Daughter) with Anzû
- Presley Nichols (Adopted Son) with Anzû
- Kenneth King (Son) by Anzû
- Eua King-Watan (Daughter) by Aiko
- Isaiad King-Watan (Son) by Aiko
- Elisabet Jones (Daughter) by Kaui
- Dylan Jones (Son) by Yahauah
- Kenry Jones (Son) by Stacy
- Renwick Jones (Son) by Tracey
- Lucretia Jones (Daughter) by Tracey
- Kenry Jones (Son) by Stacy
- The Harbinger (Son) by Hayalal
- Gilah baNanna (Daughter) by Karamalah
- Adikia baYadayan (Daughter)
- None by Yashaal
- Astraía baYadayan (Daughter)

with Naāmah
During his era as Ištaran, he would consumate the royal bloodlines with Naāmah, under the name of Ninmaḫ. This allowed them to solidify the alliance between the just courts and the royal kingship family. Together they would continue his lineage for the Yadayan family tree.
- Kishefdik baYadayan (Daughter)
- Maseth baYadabaq (Son) by Yadabaq
- Suth baYadabaq (Daughter) by Yadabaq
- Whitney Jones (Daughter) by Suth
- Kassandra Milan (Daughter) by Caleb
- Ricardo Sato Brandão (Son) by Frederico
- Clarissa Sato Brandão (Daughter) by Neena
- Elisandra Sato Brandão (Daughter) by Neena
- Ricardo Sato Brandão (Son) by Frederico
- Kassandra Milan (Daughter) by Caleb
- Whitney Jones (Daughter) by Suth

with Christa
During his era as Themis, he would spend time with the Greek mortals and would wed Christa Emmanouíl. Together they would continue his lineage for the Yadayan family tree and his children would live in her witches coven.
- Ammódis Emmanouíl (Daughter)
- Néssa Emmanouíl (Daughter)
- Níki Emmanouíl (Daughter)

with Leila
During the time of the Romans he would take on the name of Póntios Pilátos and wed Leila Procula. Together they would rule over the lands of Judea and continue his lineage for the Yadayan family tree.
- Mortaliānus Pilátos (Son)

with Susanne
During the last empire, he would take on the name of Vé, and would wed a woman named Susanne Hohenheim. Together they would dabble in alchemy and teach their offspring the same. Thus, introducing magic into the lineage of the Yadayan family tree.
Damascus Hohenheim (Son)

with Annabelle
After the Great Exile, he would join a new universe, but would be sentenced to live as a homosuperior on the earth. He would fall in love with a woman named Annabelle Fisher and they would continue the Yadayan family tree.
- Gabriella Fisher (Daughter)
- Faith Luscious (Daughter) by Jason Luscious

with Pendigalli
Before the collapse of his universe, he was presumed dead. However, he would later return under a new name and persona. As The Warden he would take another man’s wife, who was his attendant on Beyt Kele, as his wife and they would continue the family line of the Yadayan family tree.
- Dullu (Son)