Yagalah Leubh

Apokalupsis (real name: Yagalah Leubh) is the first daughter born between Gleubh (Yadabaq) and his soulmate wife Leubh (Yaphaqad). Yagalah became a battle genius under the tutelage of her older brother, Raphael.

Table of Contents

History of Yagalah Leubh

The Warlord

Yagalah Leubh aka Apokalupsis was born in the Shomer universe before the emergence of the Chronoverse. She is the first daughter born between Gleubh (Yadabaq) and his soulmate wife Leubh (Yaphaqad). Yagalah became a battle genius under the tutelage of her older brother, Raphael.

During the times of the great Arcane & Republic wars she became the Grand Heir and leader of The Hand, the group that lead and manipulated the Arcanes from behind the scenes on behalf of their master Gleubh. However, her brother, Raphael, took on the role of High Lord of The Acolytes, the military force of the Arcanes.

The Tragedy

However, a heinous act would be committed against the house of Yadabaq. Before his the last kingdom of the Norse was truly in bloom, Yagalah, her mother, and her three siblings: Taqomah, Lašḫoṭ, and Yaāṣab were all slaughtered by an attack from the Jedz Republic. Her father, Gleubh, was able to hide away her niece, Amar, but he was overpowered and locked away. Her youngest sister, Yaāṣab, was taken by their brother, Raphael, into hiding.

Once Gleubh was freed, he was not able to revive his family but they had been placed into a stasis by his most loyal followers. He later imbued his daughter, Anita King, with elements of Apocalypse to try and revive his once family.

Goddess of Revelation

In the early days of the expansion to Earth, she was called Immaru. She was the Sumerian goddess of light and revelation in the Sumerian religion. She was the first born of her sisters but called to be the harbinger of the awakening. The Mesopotamians knew her as Nuru, the Mesopotamian goddess of light and revelation. She was the first born of her sisters but called to be the harbinger of the awakening.

When the Egyptians rose to power she would be called Wbn. She was the goddess of the shining light and the rising in the Egyptian religion.

The Phoenicians were the next to come to power and they would call her Galah. As Galah, she was the Phoenician goddess of revelation and awakening. She is the first born of her sisters but is claimed to be the harbinger of the end as they knew it.

The rise of the Greek and Romans brought on a new era and she would be called Apokálypsis, the Greek goddess of revelation and awakening. She was feared by the Greeks and Romans as they knew not what would come after the prophesized end of the world as they knew it.

The Slavic and Celtic people called her Odhalenie and Taisbeanadh. As Odhalenie, she was the Slavic goddess of revelation and discovery. They believed she would be an exposure of the truth of the universe and did not fear her. As Taisbeanadh, she was the Celtic goddess of revelation and exhibition. They believed she would be an exposure of the truth of the universe and did not fear her.

During the last kingdom of the Norse, she was called Ragnarǫk, goddess of revelation and judgment, specifically the judgment of the gods. It was claimed that she would one day reveal the truth of the universe and reign of the gods would end so a new cycle could begin.


Character Information

Real Name

Gracie Portilla


Gracie the Porthole


Grace Portilla
Gracie the Porthole
Gracie Amarsanaa



Current Age

588 years old (Phase 1)

Date of Birth

5392 AD in Ireland > Earth-3.13 > Transylvania

Date of Death

August 2, 5927 AD in Scotland > Earth-3.13 > Transylvania

Family Information

Marriage Name

Family Name: Amarsanaa

Spouse and Children

Garamgai Amarsanaa (Husband)
➥ Tierney Amarsanaa (Daughter)
➥ Gréagóir Amarsanaa (Son)
➥ Deaglán Amarsanaa (Son)
➥ Iúile Amarsanaa (Daughter)
➥ Fionnbharr Amarsanaa (Son)

Relative Information

Surname/Family Name

Family Name: Portilla

Parents and Siblings

Rowan Portilla (Father)
Maureen Conroy (Mother)

Character Biology



Werewolf (Turned)

Height and Weight

5’3″ (160.02 cm)
112lbs (50.8023kg)


Biological Gender


Gender Identity




Auras and Abilities

Active Abilities


Passive Abilities


Paraphernalia and Contacts












Datrov Pack
Lucius Pack
The Armory
Pact of Marduk


Conceição Ventura
Euan Grier
Garamgai Amarsanaa
Tyrone Davis
Mihaila Filipov
Rose Lesauvage
Lilyana Petrov
Lucius Nikolaev
Selene Dobrev


Enemy Factions

Lucius Pack
Hughes Pack


Lucius Nikolaev
Selene Dobrev
Logan Hughes
Maisie Blair


Yagalah Leubh Gallery

Gracie Portilla


Gracie Portilla Gracie Portilla Gracie Portilla Gracie Portilla Gracie Portilla Gracie Portilla Gracie Portilla Gracie Portilla