Gilah baNanna

Treachery (real name: Gilah baNanna) is the daughter of the Mother of Vampires, Carmilla, and the divine being of the moon, Nanna baYadayan. She would go on to become the most desired woman and goddess of sexual love and beauty.

She would later go on to find her soulmate husband, Dumuzid. But after his death she would then go on to wed Yahauah baYahayah and would be confined to the Rashut universe with him and would bare him his two favorite children, Moya and Dylan, before she would be betrayed by her aunt, Kishefdik, and cousin, Suth, who would kill her so Suth could marry Yahauah.

Table of Contents

History of Gilah baNanna

The Grieving Goddess

Gilah baNanna was born in the Shomer universe before the collapse of the Chronoverse. She was born as the first and only child to her father, Nanna baYadayan, by her mother, Carmilla baYahauah. She is the granddaughter of the Mother of Demons, Lilith, and daughter of Mother of Vampires. However, she emerged as the pinnacle of sexual love and beauty.

In her family it started with her grandfather, Yahauah, overtaking his brother, Yanahar, for the throne and becoming the ordained heir to the seat of Yahayah. From there the feud continued to her mother, Carmilla, and the son of Yanahar, Marduk. However, the feud ended with them as Gilah, Azurad, and Nabu had no interest in continuing the feud of their parents.

During the Second Pyramid War, Dumuzid, son of Yahauah and Yamauat fell in love with Gilah during her time as Inanna aka Ishtar.

Yanahar was happy that Nabu decided to gift a large region in the north of their land to Inanna and Dumuzid for their residence and to rule over once they were married. However, due to schemes of Marduk and a Meltsar created by his father, Geshtinanna, Dumuzid would end up slipping on rocks at a river and drowned in the rapid current of the water. When Gilah found out that her husband was dead she was beside herself with grief.

The Valkyrie

Throughout the years Gilah has gone by many names depending on the cultures and communities she interacted with. She has been called Inanna, Ishtar, Hathor, Astarte, Aphrodite, and Venus. Most notably, was her name with the Scandinavian community, the Valkyrie, Thrúd.

The name they called her by meant strength in the Norse pantheon. They called her a daughter of Thor (Yahauah), but she was actually his granddaughter and future wife.

Her role as a Valkyrie was based on her being a ‘chooser of the slain’ and having the traits of a Lilin, which resembles an angel/Valkyrie. She was so revered that they used her name to represent the title of female chieftains of their land.

The Goddess of Love

During her younger years she would take on the name of Inanna as her family lived on Earth. She would gain a seat at the table of the Seven Who Decree thanks to her father, Nanna. She was the goddess of love, war, and fertility. She is also associated with beauty, sex, divine law, and political power. She is also known by the name of Ishtar. Her primary title was “the Queen of Heaven”.

In the era of the Egyptians she would be known as Hathor. She was a goddess that was often depicted as a cow, symbolizing her maternal and celestial aspect, although her most common form was a woman wearing a headdress of cow horns and a sun disk. She could also be represented as a lioness, a cobra, or a sycamore tree.

When the Phoenicians came into power she would take the name Astarte (also spelled ʿAṯtart). She was the goddess of war, sexuality, royal power, beauty, and healing. She is the wife of Adón (also known as ʿAṯtar), and she was the one who mourned over him after his accidental death.

When the Greeks and Romans lived on the earth she would become known as Aphrodítē (also spelled Aphrodite). She was associated with love, lust, beauty, pleasure, passion, procreation. By the Romans she was called Venus, goddess of desire, sex, fertility, prosperity, and victory. Aphrodite was worshipped as a warrior goddess. She was also the patron goddess of prostitutes, which led to the concept of “sacred prostitution”.

The Slavic and Celtic peoples called her Dzydzilelya and Branwen. As Dzydzilelya she was a Polish goddess of marriage, sexuality, and fertility. Her history has been erased from the records but it was apparent that she was a lover of the god of war, Lada. As Branwen, she was the goddess of love and beauty, was loved by her people for her gentleness, compassion and beauty. As mother of the king to come in the tradition of the Old Tribes of the British Isles, she is the embodiment of Sovereignty.

During the last empire of the Norse, she was called Thrúd (also spelled Þrúðr). She is the granddaughter of Thor, but the Norse would call her his daughter after she joined him and Sif in their tribal faction. In this era she was also seen as a valkyrie who serves ale to the einherjar in Valhalla.

The Great Exile

There came a time when the primordial beings, their descendants, and their creations jeopardized the balance of the timeline, before the birth of the Chronoverse. In order to save it Beyt Gavah appeared in the times of ancients and the Gavah Moatzah implored Iah to work with them to save the Chronoverse.

Iah was already tired of his relatives constant perversion of the huemans and leading his creation astray so he agreed to it with no complaints. Iah and the Gavah Moatzah cast the inhabitants out of the divine timeline and splintered everything, creating the Chronoverse.

The main timeline was sealed away so that the primordial beings and all those that were cast out were not able to access it. For a time they couldn’t move between universes either and had to learn that. Gilah would take the name of Amarida Giol and Treachery and was cast into the 8.0 universe called Rashut. She was placed there with her grandmother, Lilith, her grandfather, Šamyaza. She became known as the Grim Reaper of their universe after the ideology of Šamyaza perverted her.

Later she would take the codename Rosier. Mary Bomtast aka Rosier is most known as being a master of deceit especially after she was exiled to Rashut. She played both sides of the fence in the war all to bring her master, grandfather, lover, and husband back to his former glory.

After being presumed dead she would reappeared as Deloris Qwest, the Oracle. She was called the Oracle of Permission (Rashut) and was a hidden figure amongst the people of Rashut. She returned as a member of a secret cult that worshipped her in far off caverns.

Gilah baNanna

Character Information

Real Name

Gilah baNanna



Codename in Zetish

High: Not applicable
Common: Not applicable


[𒈹] Inanna (Sumerian)
[𒌋𒁯] Ishtar (Mesopotamian)
[ϩⲁⲑⲱⲣ] Hathor (Egyptian)
[𐤀𐤎𐤈𐤓𐤈𐤄] Astarte (Phoenician)
[Ἀφροδίτη] Aphrodite (Greek)
Venus (Roman)
Dzydzilelya (Slavic)
Branwen (Celtic)
[Þrúðr] Thrúd (Norse)
Amarida Giol
Mary Bomtast
Deloris Qwest



Current Age

years old (Phase 1)

Date of Birth

in Nibiru > Shomer > Šamym

Date of Death

in Earth 8.0 > Rashut

Family Information

Surname/Family Name

Family Name: baNanna
Family Name: baYahauah

Marriage Name

Family Name: baHayalal
Family Name: Jones

Spouse and Children

Hayalal baYahauah (Soulmate Husband)
➥ The Harbinger (Son)
Yadabaq (Master)
➥ None
Yahauah baYahayah (Husband)
➥ Moya Jones (Daughter)
➥ Dylan Jones (Son)

Parents and Siblings

Nanna baYadayan (Father)
Karamalah baYahauah (Mother)
➥ Nalena baMarduk (Half Sister)

Character Biology




Height and Weight

5’6″ (167.64 cm)
120lbs (54.4311kg)


Biological Gender


Gender Identity




Auras and Abilities

Active Abilities

Afterlife Transport ⬬ Animal Companionship ⬬ Animation ⬬ Beauty Manipulation ⬬ Desire Manipulation ⬬ Emotion Manipulation ⬬ Eternal Rest Inducement ⬬ Fear Inducement ⬬ Fertility Inducement ⬬ Fertility Manipulation ⬬ Invisibility ⬬ Love Manipulation ⬬ Lust Manipulation ⬬ Magic ⬬ Meta Love Inducement ⬬ Meta Lust Inducement ⬬ Necromancy ⬬ Orgasm Inducement ⬬ Passion Manipulation ⬬ Pleasure Manipulation ⬬ Reality Artistry ⬬ Relationship Manipulation ⬬ Resurrection ⬬ Sexual Inducement ⬬ Sexual Orientation Manipulation ⬬ Sexuality Manipulation ⬬ Tantric Manipulation ⬬ Unlovability­ Inducement ⬬ Weapon Manipulation

Passive Abilities

Absolute Beauty ⬬ Indomitable Love ⬬ Indomitable Sexuality ⬬ Love Aura ⬬ Seductive Magnetism ⬬ Sex Specialist

Paraphernalia and Contacts





Girdle of Aphrodite







Enemy Factions





Gilah baNanna Gallery



Gilah baNanna Gilah baNanna Gilah baNanna Gilah baNanna Gilah baNanna Gilah baNanna Gilah baNanna Gilah baNanna



Inanna Inanna Inanna Inanna



Ishtar Ishtar Ishtar Ishtar



Hathor Hathor Hathor Hathor



Astarte Astarte Astarte Astarte



Aphrodite Aphrodite Aphrodite Aphrodite



Venus Venus Venus Venus



Dzydzilelya Dzydzilelya Dzydzilelya Dzydzilelya



Branwen Branwen Branwen Branwen



Thrúd Thrúd Thrúd Thrúd Thrúd Thrúd Thrúd Thrúd

Amarida Giol


Amarida Giol Amarida Giol Amarida Giol Amarida Giol Amarida Giol Amarida Giol Amarida Giol Amarida Giol

Mary Bomtast


Mary Bomtast Mary Bomtast Mary Bomtast Mary Bomtast

Deloris Qwest


Deloris Qwest Deloris Qwest Deloris Qwest Deloris Qwest