Table of Contents



REDACTED is Yadabaq’s first love and first wife. Together they would bring forth the first children of the Yadabaq family tree. They are the progenitors to the wonderous beasts and the dragons.

  1. Anzû the Great Bird (Son)
    1. Ṣalmum the Black Dragon (Son) by Ušumgallu
    2. Peṣû the White Dragon (Daughter) by Ušumgallu
    3. Sāmum the Red Dragon (Son) by Ušumgallu
    4. Uqnû the Blue Dragon (Daughter) by Ušumgallu
    5. Warqu the Yellow Dragon (Son) by Ušumgallu
    6. Šūrum the Brass Dragon (Son) by Ušumgallu
    7. Kaspum the Silver Dragon (Daughter) by Ušumgallu
    8. Napāxu the Bronze Dragon (Son) by Ušumgallu
    9. Arû the Copper Dragon (Daughter) by Ušumgallu
    10. Kugsig the Gold Dragon (Son) by Ušumgallu
    11. Abnu the Crystal Dragon (Daughter) by Ušumgallu
    12. Zu the Ivory Dragon (Son) by Ušumgallu
    13. Epēšu the Pink Dragon (Daughter) by Ušumgallu
    14. Argamannu the Purple Dragon (Daughter) by Ušumgallu
    15. Sāmumšallālu the Orange Dragon (Son) by Ušumgallu
    16. Pabilsag (Son) by Ušumgallu
    17. Zibbaanna (Daughter) by Ušumgallu
    18. Kebechet (Daughter) by Ušumgallu
    19. Whitney Jones (Adopted Daughter) with Elisabet
      1. Kassandra Milan (Daughter) by Caleb
        1. Ricardo Sato Brandão (Son) by Frederico
          1. Clarissa Sato Brandão (Daughter) by Neena
          2. Elisandra Sato Brandão (Daughter) by Neena
    20. Phyllis Nichols (Adopted Daughter) with Elisabet
    21. Presley Nichols (Adopted Son) with Elisabet
    22. Kenneth King (Son) by Elisabet
      1. Eua King-Watan (Daughter) by Aiko
      2. Isaiad King-Watan (Son) by Aiko
  2. Ušumgallu (Daughter)
    1. Ṣalmum the Black Dragon (Son) by Anzû
    2. Peṣû the White Dragon (Daughter) by Anzû
    3. Sāmum the Red Dragon (Son) by Anzû
    4. Uqnû the Blue Dragon (Daughter) by Anzû
    5. Warqu the Yellow Dragon (Son) by Anzû
    6. Šūrum the Brass Dragon (Son) by Anzû
    7. Kaspum the Silver Dragon (Daughter) by Anzû
    8. Napāxu the Bronze Dragon (Son) by Anzû
    9. Arû the Copper Dragon (Daughter) by Anzû
    10. Kugsig the Gold Dragon (Son) by Anzû
    11. Abnu the Crystal Dragon (Daughter) by Anzû
    12. Zu the Ivory Dragon (Son) by Anzû
    13. Epēšu the Pink Dragon (Daughter) by Anzû
    14. Argamannu the Purple Dragon (Daughter) by Anzû
    15. Sāmumšallālu the Orange Dragon (Son) by Anzû
    16. Pabilsag (Son) by Anzû
    17. Zibbaanna (Daughter) by Anzû
    18. Kebechet (Daughter) by Anzû

with Yaphaqad

The form of Yadabaq would go on into the realm of creation and create for himself a soulmate wife known as Yaphaqad. Together they would make the first of his lineage for the Yadabaq family tree.

  1. Yagalah Leubh (Daughter)
    1. Amar Leubh (Daughter) by The Harbinger
      1. Shal’vah Leubh (Daughter) by Yareach
        1. Flawra Leubh (Daughter) by Vergil
          1. Perach Leubh (Daughter) by Pock
            1. Emelia Leubh (Daughter) by Usada
              1. Tiffany Giluy-Leubh (Daughter) by Kele
            2. Nemesis Leubh (Daughter) by Usada
  2. Lašḫoṭ Leubh (Daughter)
  3. Taqomah Leubh (Daughter)
  4. Yaāṣab Leubh (Daughter)
    1. Forseti Baldurson (Son) by Baldur

with Astraía

When Yadabaq decided to travel to earth to save his people of Nibiru he would be joined by his niece, Astraía baYadayan, who wished to save their people too. During the long voyage they would form a bond and she would become his Queen Consort on earth, taking on the name of Ninsianna or “Red Queen of Heaven,” and he would be called Gibil. This would continue his own lineage for the Yadabaq family tree.

  1. Zarqa-Ilani (Son)
  2. Iltanu-Shimtu (Daughter)
  3. Luhhuzzu (Son)
  4. Nur-Duranki (Son)
  5. Belilatu (Daughter)

with Kishefdik

During the wars with the descendants of the nephelim, Yadabaq would kill the bethroed of Kishefdik. As penance he was ordered to take her as a mate and give her children until one male and one female was born. This would continue his own lineage for the Yadabaq family tree.


with Yamauat

The years that came as the Egyptian Kingdom began to fall led to actions of necessity as the Phoenician Kingdom rose. Yadabaq would still be known as Ptah, but would give his sister, Yamauat, known as Heqet, children by her request. This would further the bloodline of the Yadabaq family tree.

  1. Nefro (Son)
  2. Maglah (Son)
  3. Sond (Daughter)
    1. Litānu Lokison (Son) by Yanahar
    2. Hróðvitnir (Son) by Yanahar

with Naāmah

There would come a time when Yadabaq would take on the name Phatakh and would take Naāmah, under the name of Lylyt, as his concubine. However, she would give birth to no children to further the bloodline of the Yadabaq family tree.

  1. None


with Gilah

There would come a time when Yadabaq would take on the name Hḗphaistos and would be given Gilah, under the name of Aphrodite, as his wife. This was by the command of her grandfather, Zeus. However, she would give birth to no children to further the bloodline of the Yadabaq family tree.

  1. None


with Rahela

There would come a time when Yadabaq would take on the name Vulcanus. During this time he would be visited by Rahela Diadem under the visage of Fatuma. He would be swayed by her and they together would bear a child to further the bloodline of the Yadabaq family tree.

Randy King
Wendy Hart

with Wendy

After being almost killed and resurrected after The Great Exile by homosuperiors, Yadabaq would take on the name Randy King. He would meet a woman named Wendy Lagunov as his first partner. They would go on to have children to continue the bloodline of the Yadabaq family tree.

  1. Ronald Travert (Son)
    1. Alma Shakhor (Daughter)
    2. Herod Shakhor (Son)
      1. Clara Shakhor (Daughter)
      2. Pamphilos Shakhor (Son)
        1. … Snorri Shakhor (Son)
          1. Min Shakhor (Son) by Jeannie Planche
          2. Hjördis Shakhor (Daughter) by Jeannie Planche
          3. Millicent Shakhor (Daughter) by Jeannie Planche
          4. Messina Shakhor (Daughter) by Jeannie Planche
          5. Håkan Shakhor (Son) by Jeannie Planche
    3. Kiran Shakhor (Daughter)
  2. Robyn Travert (Daughter)
    1. Gunhilda Shakhor (Daughter)
      1. Serina Shakhor (Daughter)
      2. Ananth Shakhor (Son)
    2. Kumari Shakhor (Daughter)
      1. Aemilia Shakhor (Daughter)
      2. Vishnu Shakhor (Son)
      3. Delfina Shakhor (Daughter)
Randy King
Provocateur Paper

with Yomiko

During his time as Randy King, he would meet another woman at the Athenaeum named Yomiko Russell. They would have an on and off relationship that would bring forth the resurrection of his previous children and his memories of the ancient times. Thus, continuing the bloodline of the Yadabaq family tree.

  1. Anita King (Daughter)
    1. Ninah Novice (Daughter) by Junior
      1. Rahela Diadem (Daughter) by Dante
        1. Heather Freeze (Daughter) by Freddy
          1. Abilan Tao (Son) by Ezekiel
          2. Stacy Tao (Daughter) by David
  2. Zacchaeus King (Son)
    1. None by Mariah
Arcane Shadow
Amarita Pierce

with Amarita

After leaving the Athenaeum and returning to the Empire, Yadabaq would take on the moniker of Arcane Shadow. He would come across a woman named Amarita Pierce during one of his missions and would decide to wed her. They would have a child and continue the Yadabaq family tree.

  1. Jaquez King (Son)
    1. None by Mia
Francine Charm

with Francine

After Arcānus’ return from the dead he would become a teacher to his descendant Rahela Diadem. She would make friends with a girl named Francine Charm, who would take a liking to Arcānus. The two of them would go on to have a child and further the bloodline of the Yadabaq family tree, against Rahela’s protests.

Avaritia Betza

with Avaritia

Arcānus would go on to free the second generation of the seven deadly sins from their confinement. Once they were freed he would grow to like Avaritia and would take her as his wife and they would continue the Yadabaq family tree and bloodline.

  1. Leana Betza (Daughter)
    1. Carmen Betza-Harris (Daughter) by Dominic
  2. Aeolina Betza (Daughter)