The Priest

The Priest holds a contentious relationship with the Gavah Moatzah and the leadership of Vigilia. He is a someone who believes that violence is okay to protect yourself but that you should never kill another living being. It is believed that he was born during the first years of the birth of Zetalon, however, the only records they have of him is that he appeared in an orphanage that was under the care of The Keeper.

Table of Contents

History of The Priest

The Convening

The Priest in his infancy was abandoned at an orphanage on the planet Vigilia in the universe of Zetalon, after the collapse of the Chronoverse. He would grow up under the care of The Keeper in that orphanage, until he reached the age of sixteen where he would sneak off to the Time Walker Alliance’s factories and stole a prototype of a new Relative Dimension In Space and Time, or REDIST for short, craft. This would begin his adventures across space and time.

After traveling alone for two generations (sixty years) he would return to the orphanage he grew up and invite The Keeper to join him on adventures across space and time. The Keeper agreed and the two of them went on many adventures and would continue so until one day when they were on an adventure visiting a colony of Icians who were facing a problematic warming problem. The Keeper fell through a crack of ice and was forever lost no matter how much The Priest tried to find him.

The Priest swore off of companions for a while at that point until he met his soulmate, the woman who would become his wife, Tristia. Who he would give the pet name of Red Wolf to on their adventures. He met her during a time of turmoil at the early stages of the Zetalon universe and would take her away from it so she could breathe and be free. They would go on multiple adventures spanning many years. However, one day they would face The Bachelor, the archnemesis of The Priest, and it would signal the end of their travels soon as he prophesized the death of Tristia.

The Ramaadiyyu

Fearing for the death of Tristia, The Priest broke his own code and would kill when he felt her life was in jeopardy. He would take on the title of ‘The Ramaadiyyu’ which combined the words Rama and Ediyyu from their language of Zetish. It meant “Deceiver of His Witnesses”.

With him breaking the code it pained Tristia to see what he was becoming because of her. She would then choose to leave his side and return to her place as Forewoman of the Athenaeum in Zetalon. So he would no longer fear for her safety. This pained him and traveled alone for some time until the news of Tristia’s death on Elam in Zetalon reached him.

He would become known as The Fallen and became a broken man. However, he would soon find a companion in a woman called The Nosea who would help bring him back to the light and to his code.

The Priest

Character Information

Real Name



The Priest

Codename in Zetish

High: 𐨱𐰚𐰈𐰢𐰺
Common: 𐭄𐭊𐭅𐭌𐭓


The Priest
The Ramaadiyyu
The Fallen



Current Age

years old (Phase 1)

Date of Birth

Unknown in Vigilia > Zetalon

Date of Death

Not Applicable

Family Information

Surname/Family Name


Marriage Name

Not applicable

Spouse and Children

Heather Freeze (Wife)
➥ Abilan Tao (Son)

Parents and Siblings

Unknown (Father)
Unknown (Mother)

Character Biology



Time Walker

Height and Weight

5’5″ (165.1 cm)
150.2lbs (68.1296kg)


Biological Gender


Gender Identity




Auras and Abilities

Active Abilities

Body language analysis ⬬ Communing ⬬ Shadow Magic ⬬ Spiritual meditation

Passive Abilities

Spiritual perfection ⬬ Supernatural priest training ⬬ Temporal lordship ⬬ Unpredictability

Paraphernalia and Contacts









Time Traveler



The Priest and Companions


The Keeper
The Nosea
Evon James
Tasha Ferris
Zoe Felin
Galgon Bray
Marcus Wybrig
Fontae Neoma
Brutus Shasta


Enemy Factions

Aeoliran Church
Aeoliran Faith
The Black Fleet


The Bachelor
The Sandman
The Puppet Master
Victor Rune
The Harvester
The Purifier


The Priest Gallery

Incarnation 1

The Priest

The Priest The Priest The Priest The Priest

The Ramaadiyyu

The Priest

The Ramaadiyyu The Ramaadiyyu The Ramaadiyyu The Ramaadiyyu

The Fallen

The Priest

The Fallen The Fallen The Fallen The Fallen

Incarnation 4

The Priest

The Priest The Priest The Priest The Priest

Incarnation 5

The Priest

The Priest The Priest The Priest The Priest

Incarnation 6

The Priest

The Priest The Priest The Priest The Priest

Incarnation 7

The Priest

The Priest The Priest The Priest The Priest

Incarnation 8

The Priest

The Priest The Priest The Priest The Priest

Incarnation 9

The Priest

The Priest The Priest The Priest The Priest