Gilim Siškur Pantheon
Table of Contents

The Abgal are known as the “Wise Ones” or “Sages” of the Gilim Siškur Pantheon. They are the elders of the pantheon who predate the first gods that were born after The All-Gifting Mother, Fandorah, opened the jar.

The ÉBau is known as the Temple of Life Giving in the Gilim Siškur Pantheon. They are the bloodline descendants of Leubh in her Bau form and Gleubh in his Gibil form. They span over the generations and are worshipped by the mortals who align themselves with their house of love.

The ÉSag̃a is known as the Temple of Administration in the Gilim Siškur Pantheon. They are the bloodline that descend from Sag̃a and his wife, Shoshan. Throughout the generations they were seen as the chiefs, officials, and administrators of the collective pantheon. They span over the generations and are worshipped by the mortals who align themselves with their house of revelation.

The ÉḪulg̃ig is known as the Temple of Hatred in the Gilim Siškur Pantheon. They are the bloodline that descend from Ḫulg̃ig and his wife, Duma. Throughout the generations they were seen as the military might of the collective pantheon. They span over the generations and are worshipped by the mortals who align themselves with their house of wrath.

The ÉNamlulu is known as the Temple of Inertia in the Gilim Siškur Pantheon. They are the bloodline that descend from Namlulu and his wife, Mayim. Throughout the generations they were seen as the naval might of the collective pantheon. They span over the generations and are worshipped by the mortals who align themselves with their house of sloth.

The ÉNamkalna is known as the Temple of Arrogance in the Gilim Siškur Pantheon. They are the bloodline that descend from Namkalna and his wife, Bitachon. Throughout the generations they were seen as the diplomats and governors of the collective pantheon. They span over the generations and are worshipped by the mortals who align themselves with their house of pride.

The ÉAḫḫaru is known as the Temple of Spirits in the Gilim Siškur Pantheon. They are the bloodline that descend from Aḫḫaru and his wife, Fabilua. Throughout the generations they were seen as the financial institution of the collective pantheon. They span over the generations and are worshipped by the mortals who align themselves with their house of greed.

The ÉAnbarsug is known as the Temple of Iron in the Gilim Siškur Pantheon. They are the bloodline that descend from Anbarsug and his wife, Rila. Throughout the generations they were seen as the forestry institution of the collective pantheon. They span over the generations and are worshipped by the mortals who align themselves with their house of envy.

The ÉLil is known as the Temple of Phantom in the Gilim Siškur Pantheon. They are the bloodline that descend from Lil and his wife, Femi. Throughout the generations they were seen as the entertainment institution of the collective pantheon. They span over the generations and are worshipped by the mortals who align themselves with their house of lust.

The ÉGu is known as the Temple of Devour in the Gilim Siškur Pantheon. They are the bloodline that descend from Gu and his wife, Matok. Throughout the generations they were seen as the food production institution of the collective pantheon. They span over the generations and are worshipped by the mortals who align themselves with their house of gluttony.