Morgan Fay Taavah

Morgan Fay Taavah is the heiress of Taavah noble family. Also, she is the affair child of Malcolm Zaam and Natalie Taavah, a fact that Natalie has kept secret from everyone including Malcolm and her husband, Marnix.

She is an only child and her first cousin is much older than her so she bonded with Fuella Kine over their mutual love of flowers and plants. She is a pretty girl and only recently learned how to control her passive abilities which have been problematic at school since it gave her unwanted attention from all genders.

Table of Contents

History of Morgan Fay Taavah

The Clique

Morgan Fay Taavah was born on the planet of Thar in Zetalon after the collapse of the Chronoverse. She was born around the same time as Fuella Kine, Danielle Zaam-Yaharah, Caroline Zaam, Carmen Betza-Harris, and Tiffany Giluy-Leubh. Growing up the six girls broke into three separate groups that created conflict with one another.

Morgan Fay and Fuella are typically not in the fights but definitely instigate the fights between those two groups. They act above it all and enjoy laughing at the four of them fighting. This typically pisses off Carm and has ended with the two girls in headlocks by Carm before.

Danielle and Caroline became close friends and took to their political trainings to lead the Dam Fandorah and their respective houses. They were also close cousins sharing the same House of Zaam lineage. Nonetheless, they continually are in conflict with Carm and Tiff over who is better.

Carm and Tiff became close friends and always had fiery tempers. They both were direct blood descendants from Yadabaq himself which helped them connect better with one another. However, they both definitely inherited his temper.

The Unintentional Harem

Morgan Fay knew from an early age she was demisexual and only was romantically and physically interested in people she had built a relationship with. However, that complicates things for a child of lust who is starting puberty at the age of eleven and can’t control her passive aura.

Throughout her sixth and seventh grade years, all the way until recently in her eighth grade year when she started secondary school, she’s had trouble keeping it under control. This has created for all genders in her classes to become unhealthily infatuated with.

Some even became stalkers to the point where her mother requested the Athenaeum make a magic potion that she could apply to her skin like perfume that would reduce her innate aura. This worked for a time but as she got older the latent aura became stronger and outpaced the perfume.

She mostly stays to herself and has only truly bonded with Fuella since she knows Fuella isn’t effected by her aura like others are when they are around her.

Morgan Fay Taavah

Character Information

Real Name
Morgan Fay Taavah
Morgan Fay


Current Age
13 years old (Phase 1)
Date of Birth
Shaloshesharah 14, 43 𒆬
in Chelilia ⥈ Llilabos ⥈ Vautera ⥈ TharZetalon

Family Information

Marriage Name

Not applicable

Spouse and Children

➥ None

Relative Information

Surname/Family Name
Parents and Siblings

Malcolm Zaam (Biological Father)
➥ Danielle Zaam-Yaharah (Half Sister)
➥ November Zaam-Yaharah (Half Sister)
➥ Riley Zaam-Yaharah (Half Brother)
Natalie Taavah (Mother)
Marnix Taavah (Father)

Character Biology


Height and Weight

5’4″ (162.56 cm)
117.8lbs (53.4332kg)


Biological Gender
Gender Identity

Auras and Abilities

Active Abilities

Absolute Sexual PowersAnger Beam EmissionAnger MagicAnger ManipulationArmor ManipulationCombat ManipulationCounter-Force ManipulationDestructionDouble Hit KillEmpathic MasochismEnhanced AssassinationHormone ManipulationLife-Force AbsorptionLife-Force ConstructsLust ConstructsLust InducementLust MagicLust ManipulationMeta Lust InducementMurderous PossessionObject Manipulation (Related to war)One Hit KillPain InducementPheromone GenerationPheromone ManipulationPower BestowalRage FormRage InducementRage ManipulationSex Appeal CombatSex EmpowermentSex MagicSexual Body Chemistry ManipulationSexual InducementSexual Orientation ManipulationTantric ManipulationViolence InducementWar InducementWar ManipulationWeapon Manipulation

Passive Abilities

Absolute BeautyAbsolute ConditionAnger EmpowermentCombat EmpowermentCombat PerceptionConcept-Dependent ImmortalityDeath EmpowermentDesire FormDisease ImmunityEnchanted AllureEnhanced CharismaEnhanced CombatEnhanced StaminaFeral MindIndomitable WillKilling EmpowermentKilling InstinctKilling IntentLust AuraLust EmpowermentNigh Omniscience (Over war)OmnislayerOne-Man ArmyPath KillerPerversion EmpowermentSeduction IntuitionSex EmpowermentSex SpecialistSexual InstinctTantric MetabolizationUnavertable DeathViolence EmpowermentWar EmpowermentWar PowersWrath Aura

Paraphernalia and Contacts









Fuella Kine
Caroline Zaam
Danielle Zaam-Yaharah
Carmen Betza-Harris
Tiffany Giluy-Leubh





Enemy Factions



Morgan Fay Taavah Gallery