Yaaras baYahauah

Mīḵāēl (real name: Yaaras baYahauah) is the son of Yahauah and Naāmah, full brother of Karamalah. He is the god of war in the land and has served as a reminder to all of the necessary evil that comes with war. After The Great Exile he would continue his work as Archangel Michael and served as an angel of the heavens that prepared for the final war against HaShathan.

Table of Contents

History of Yaaras baYahauah

The God of War

Yaaras baYahauah was born in the Shomer universe before the collapse of the Chronoverse. He was born to his twin parents Yahauah and Naāmah baYahayah, and was their second child together after the birth of Karamalah. He was not cursed, but was placed in the service of the kingdom as the chief of war. He was adored by his mother as a child which caused him to become spoiled and a violent, detestable, and bloodthirsty man who was left unchecked as he grew older.

As an adult he was disliked by both his parents and felt abandoned. However, he would find a lover in his niece, Gilah baNanna, the goddess of love and lust. She began to help him become a better divine being. He softened and had six children with her. After they separated he would find a soulmate love with his cousin, Azurad, goddess of enchantments. After having two children with her he was still a god of war but changed to serve the kingdom and denounced his spoiled ways.

General of the Heavens

As Michael the Taxiarch he dwelled in the realm of the heavens, where he was assigned to be the chief of the angels and archangels and was the guardian prince of Yasharaal and responsible for their care. It was prophesized that in the last days he would do battle with HaShathan. They are the contrasting where HaShathan is a general of the void, seeking to plunge the world into darkness, and Michael being a general of creation, seeking to maintain the world in the light.

It is said that he is mediating the Torah (the law), and standing at the right hand of the throne of the kingship. He intercedes between the throne of kingship and humanity, serving as a High Priest in the heavenly sanctuary. He also accompanies the souls of the righteous dead to Paradise.

The God of Abundance

When his family would venture to Earth, he would be referred to as Zababa, the god of war. He mainly functioned as a chief of war and abundance from pillaging. His symbol was the eagle and was the king of Kish. He formed the War Chest Triumvirate with Ninurta and Nergal. Originally, Zababa was madly in love with Ishtar and she returned his affection. However, when Ishtar would be wedded to Dumuzid/Tammûz, he would become an angry god.

When the Egyptian era began he became known as Onuris (also spelled Onouris) and Anhur (also spelled An-Her, Anhuret, Han-Her, and Inhert), the god of war. His name means “(one who) leads back the distant one”. He was married to the Nubian lion goddess, Mehyt, and it was said that he brought her from the lands of Nubia. One of his titles was slayer of enemies. Anhur was depicted as a bearded man wearing a robe and a headdress with four feathers, holding a spear or lance.

The Phoenicians knew him as Resheph (also spelled Reshef, Rašap, Ršp, Ršpw, and Rešep̄), the god of war and plagues. He was a god of the lands of Ebla and was married to Adamma. His name means “flame” or “fever”. An omen annal describes him as the doorkeeper of the sun god, Shapash, and identifies him with the planet of Mars.

When he heard of the coming darkness and the adversary to his family’s claim to the throne of heaven, he would change his ways. This came during the era of the Ḫabiru (Hebrews) and become known as Mīḵāēl (also spelled as Mika’el and Michael). He was the chief of the angels and declared as an archangel. He was the guardian of the overworld and general of the armies of heaven.

When the Greeks rose to power he would become known as Árēs (also spelled as Ares), the god of war and courage. He is one of the Twelve Olympians, and the son of Zeus and Hera. The Greeks were ambivalent towards him. He embodies the physical valor necessary for success in war but can also personify sheer brutality and bloodlust. Being associated with him An association endowed places, objects, and other deities with a savage, dangerous, or militarized quality. By the Romans he was called Mars and worshipped by their empire.

For his loyalty to her daughter, Aphrodite, and for his willingness to hunt the werewolves, Ártemis would call her younger brother by the name of Orion (also spelled Oriōn and Oariōn) and place his glory among the stars as the constellation of Orion. His constellation is useful in locating other stars. He would be worshipped by the Cult of Carmilla and the Cult of the Candle by that name for many generations to come. The name comes from the Akkadian Uru-anna (also spelled Uruanna and Uru.anna), meaning “the Light of Heaven”. Another name the Greeks would give him based on his Orion title is Kandaon. It represented a giant and was seen as “the Armed King”

The Slavic and Celtic people would know him as Svetovit and Belatucadros. As Svetovit, he was the god of abundance and war, and the chief god of the Slavic tribe of the Rani. As Belatucadros, he was the Celtic deity of war and his name meant “fair shining one” or “fair slayer”. He was worshipped by lower-ranked Roman soldiers as well as by Britons.

During the last kingdom, he became known as Týr. He was a valorous and powerful member of the Æsir and patron of warriors and mythological heroes. He sacrificed his right hand to the monstrous wolf Fenrir, who bites it off when he realizes the gods have bound him. He is foretold of being consumed by the similarly monstrous dog Garmr during the events of Ragnarök.


Character Information

Real Name
Yaaras baYahauah

[𒀭𒍝𒂷𒂷 ] Zababa (Sumerian)
Anhur (Egyptian)
[𐤓‬𐤔‬𐤐] Resheph (Phoenician)
[מִיכָאֵל] Mika’el (Hebrews)
[Ἄρης] Árēs (Greek)
[Ὠρίων] Orion (Greek)
Mārs (Roman)
Svetovit (Slavic)
Belatucadros (Celtic)
Týr (Norse)

Current Age
Date of Birth
in NibiruShomerŠamym

Family Information

Marriage Name
Spouse and Children

Yarasah baYahauah (Wife)
➥ Papsukkal (Son)
➥ Enyalius Árēsidas (Son)

Adamma (Wife)
➥ None

Gilah baNanna (Lover)
➥ Érōtes (Children)
➥ Érōs Árēsidas (Son)
➥ Antérōs Árēsidas (Son)
➥ Phobus Árēsidas (Son)
➥ Deimos Árēsidas (Son)
➥ Harmonia Árēsion (Daughter)

Harpina Asopusion (Former Lover)
➥ Oinómaos Árēsidas (Son)

Harmonia Árēsion (Former Lover and Daughter)
➥ Otrērē Árēsion (Daughter)

Otrērē Árēsion (Former Lover, Daughter, and Granddaughter)
➥ Hippolytē Árēsion (Daughter)
➥ Penthesíleia Árēsion (Daughter)
➥ Melaníppē Árēsion (Daughter)
➥ Antiope Árēsion (Daughter)
➥ Amazónes (Daughters)

Azurad baMarduk (Soulmate Lover)
➥ Rhomos Árēsidas (Son)
➥ Rhemus Árēsidas (Son)

Relative Information

Surname/Family Name
Parents and Siblings

Yahauah baYahayah (Father)
➥ Hayalal baYahauah (Half Brother)
➥ Gaphan baYahauah (Half Sister)
➥ Karamalah baYahauah (Sister)
➥ Yarasah baYahauah (Sister)
➥ Nauaār baYahauah (Sister)
➥ Éris Zeusion (Sister)
➥ Móði Thorson (Brother)
➥ Magni Thorson (Brother)
➥ Moya Jones (Half Sister)
➥ Shǎndiàn Jones-Bāo (Half Brother)
➥ Dylan Jones (Half Brother)
➥ Whitney Jones (Half Sister)
Naāmah baYahayah (Mother)
➥ Nanshe baYanahar (Half Sister)
➥ Kishefdik baYadayan (Half Sister)
➥ Ullr Baldurson (Half Brother)

Character Biology


Height and Weight


Biological Gender
Gender Identity

Auras and Abilities

Active Abilities

Anger ManipulationArmy ManipulationBattlefield ManipulationCombat ManipulationDestructive Force ManipulationFire ManipulationLightning Bolt ProjectionRage InducementRage ManipulationViolence ManipulationWar InducementWar ManipulationWeapon Manipulation

Passive Abilities

Absolute SpeedAbsolute StaminaAbsolute ViolenceAnger EmpowermentAnimal CompanionshipBloodline TelepathyBloodlustCanine CompanionshipCannibalism EmpowermentCombat EmpowermentCombat PerceptionCombat SpecialistDanger EmpowermentDeath in Battle EmpowermentDestruction EmpowermentEnhanced CombatFear MaskingHatred EmpowermentKilling MasteryMasculinity Aspect ManifestationOne-Man ArmyShield ProficiencySpear ProficiencySupernatural BeautySupernatural SensesSupernatural StrengthSwordsmanshipWeapon Proficiency

Paraphernalia and Contacts



Lord Commander
The True Shepherd of Anu
The Armed King
The Taxiarch


God of War



Yarasah baYahauah
Phobus Árēsidas
Deimos Árēsidas
Éris Zeusion





Enemy Factions



Yaaras baYahauah Gallery