Azurad baMarduk

Enchantress (real name: Azurad baMarduk) is the firstborn daughter of Marduk baYanahar, by his mother Yamauat. She is the younger sister of Nabu BaMarduk. She is considered the second born werewolf in the Pact of Marduk. But would become a very powerful goddess of magic and the goddess of the church.

Table of Contents

History of Azurad baMarduk

The Enchantress

Azurad baMarduk was born in the Akhron in the Realm of Qur universe before the collapse of the Chronoverse. She was the firstborn daughter of Marduk baYanahar by his mother, Yamauat. She is also the younger sister of Nabu BaMarduk. She is considered the second born werewolf in the Pact of Marduk. She was seen as an abomination in the eyes of Yahauah, but didn’t care and mastered the arts of necromancy. This allowed her to become a very powerful goddess of magic and the goddess of the church.

Azurad was renowned for her vast knowledge of potions and herbs. Through the use of these and a magic wand, she would transform her enemies, or those who offended her, into animals. The best known of her legends is told in Homer’s Odyssey when Odysseus visits her island of Aeaea on the way back from the Trojan War and she changes most of his crew into swine. He manages to persuade her to return them to human shape, lives with her for a year and has sons by her.

Another story tells of her falling in love with the sea-god Glaucus, who prefers the nymph Scylla to her. In revenge, Azurad poisoned the water where her rival bathed and turned her into a dreadful monster.

Goddess of the Church

Her influence grew so large that she became known as the Goddess of the Circus and the Goddess of the Church. Her worshippers would do so in circles and would later erect monuments and builds shaped like circles to pay homage to her and her glory.

She was worshipped as “Christos Helios” and gained fame for her ability to tame wild animals in her Circus. Circe was depicted holding a golden cup containing a mixture of wine and drugs/pharmacusii (associated with sorcery), which she used to control kings and exert her power. Thus, she is also the Goddess of Pharmakeia or Pharmacies.

The Apocryphal Book of Revelation includes references to her and her influence. She is described as the Great Whore who sits on many waters and seven hills.

The Goddess of Enchantment

During the era of the Phoenicians she would become known as Megal, The Circle. She was the goddess of magic and circles. She kept herself hidden mostly during those days and wasn’t known by many but her influence was felt on the religions that were being established in her name.

During the era of the Greeks she would become known as Kírkē, the goddess of enchantment. She was renowned for her vast knowledge of potions and herbs. Through the use of these and a magic wand or staff, she would transform her enemies, or those who offended her, into animals. She is known by the Romans as Circe.

The Slavic and Celtic people would call her Morena and Cerridwen. As Morena (also spelled Morana, Marzanna, Morė, Marena, Mara, and Mora) she was a goddess of seasonal rites based on the idea of death and rebirth of nature. She is an ancient goddess associated with winter’s death, rebirth and dreams.

As Cerridwen (also spelled Ceridwen) she was an enchantress and the mother of a hideous son, Mordfran, and a beautiful daughter, Creirwy. Her husband during that time was Tegid Foel and they lived near Bala Lake (Llyn Tegid). She was regarded by many as the goddess of rebirth, transformation, and inspiration.

During the last kingdom of the Norse she became known as Gullveig. Most notably she was the goddess who came to the hall of Odin where she was speared by the Æsir, burnt three times, and yet thrice reborn. Upon her third rebirth, she began practicing seiðr and took the name Heiðr.

As Heiðr (also spelled Heid, Hed, Heith, and Hetha) she was a seeress who predicts Örvar’s death. Her name meant “bright” and “honor”. A tale was crafted that echoes through the eons to scare children who may comes across them:

Heith they named her
who sought their home,
The wide-seeing witch,
in magic wise;
Minds she bewitched
that were moved by her magic,
To evil women
a joy she was.

The Enchantress

Character Information

Real Name

Azurad baMarduk



Codename in Zetish

High: Not applicable
Common: Not applicable


[מעגל] Megal (Phoenician)
[Κίρκη] Kírkē (Greek)
Circe (Roman)
Morena (Slavic)
Cerridwen (Celtic)
Gullveig (Norse)



Current Age

years old (Phase 1)

Date of Birth

in Akhron > Qur

Date of Death


Family Information

Surname/Family Name

Family Name: baMarduk
Family Name: baYamauat

Marriage Name

Family Name: baYaaras
Family Name: Foel

Spouse and Children

The Maalik (Lover)
➥ Thanatopsis Hā́idēsidas (Son)
➥ Necromantia Hā́idēsion (Daughter)
➥ Pharmakos Hā́idēsidas (Son)
Yaaras baYahauah (Soulmate Lover)
➥ Rhomos Árēsidas (Son)
➥ Rhemus Árēsidas (Son)
Nani baUrash (Former Lover)
➥ None
Odysseús (Husband)
➥ Ardeas Odysseúsidas (Son)
➥ Anteias Odysseúsidas (Son)
Tegid Foel (Husband)
➥ Mordfran Foel (Son)
➥ Creirwy Foel (Daughter)

Parents and Siblings

Marduk baYanahar (Father)
➥ Nabu baMarduk (Brother)
➥ Nalena baMarduk (Half Daughter)
Yamauat (Mother)
➥ Hayalal baYahauah (Half Brother)
➥ Gaphan baYahauah (Half Sister)
➥ Marduk baYanahar (Half Brother and Father)

Character Biology




Height and Weight

5’6″ (167.64 cm)
176lbs (79.8323kg)


Biological Gender


Gender Identity




Auras and Abilities

Active Abilities

Enchantment ⬬ Enslavement Kiss ⬬ Illusion Manipulation ⬬ Magic ⬬ Magical Energy Manipulation ⬬ Mesmerizing Presence ⬬ Mind Control ⬬ Mystical Conversion ⬬ Seduction Magic ⬬ Shapeshifting ⬬ Sound Manipulation ⬬ Spell Casting ⬬ Summoning ⬬ Transformation ⬬ Transmutation Magic ⬬ Vocal Mind Control

Passive Abilities

Elementalist ⬬ Esoteric Power

Paraphernalia and Contacts



Wand of Circe




The Church
The Pharmacist





Enemy Factions



Azurad baMarduk Gallery



Azurad baMarduk Azurad baMarduk Azurad baMarduk Azurad baMarduk



Megal Megal Megal Megal



Kírkē Kírkē Kírkē Kírkē



Circe Circe Circe Circe



Morena Morena Morena Morena



Cerridwen Cerridwen Cerridwen Cerridwen



Gullveig Gullveig Gullveig Gullveig


The Church

The Enchantress The Enchantress The Enchantress The Enchantress