Yarasah baYahauah

Baliāl (real name: Yarasah baYahauah) is the daughter of Yahauah and Naāmah, twin sister of Yaaras and full sister of Karamalah. She is the goddess of war in the land and was deemed by her grandfather and father to be too dangerous so they locked her away multiple times, each time with Yaaras freeing her. After The Great Exile she would join the Red Exterminator Corps and claimed she would destroy all their family held dear and become the queen of worthless relics.

Table of Contents

History of Yarasah baYahauah

The Goddess of War

Yarasah baYahauah was born in the Shomer universe before the collapse of the Chronoverse. She is the daughter of Yahauah and Naāmah, twin sister of Yaaras and full sister of Karamalah. She is the goddess of war in the land and was deemed by her grandfather and father to be too dangerous so they locked her away multiple times, each time with Yaaras freeing her. After The Great Exile she would join the Red Exterminator Corps and claimed she would destroy all their family held dear and become the queen of worthless relics.

As an adult she was feared by both her parents and felt abandoned. With that her brother, Yaaras, grew tired of bailing her out of situations she put herself into and during the era of the Greeks he would begin to distance himself from her as her lover and husband and would start spending more time with Gilah baNanna. Gilah was her niece, and daughter of the firstborn of their parents, and this caused her to blame her parents for Yaaras abandoning her too.

General of the Hells

As Belial the Devil (also known as Belhor, Baalial, Beliar, Beliall, Beliall, Balyāl, and Balayaāl) she dwelled in the realm of the hells, where she was known as a King of Hell with 80 legions of demons and 50 legions of spirits under her command.

She has the power to distribut senatorships and gives excellent familiars. She must be presented with offerings, sacrifices, and gifts, or else seh will not give true answers to demands of mortals and the divine.

The Goddess of Worthless

When her family would venture to Earth, she would be referred to as Baba (also spelled Bau, and Babu), the goddess of healing. Initially she was regarded simply as a life-giving deity, but she would grow into a healing goddess. She was often seen as a divine midwife to her fellow goddesses. Her favorite animals were the waterfowl and scorpions.

When the Egyptian era began she became known as Mehyt (also spelled Mehit). She was known as a Nubian lion goddess and was often seen reclining with three bent poles emerging from her back, which were in fact rods from her prison. The annal goes that Anhur tracked down and found his sister imprisoned in Nubia. He then decides to bring her to Egypt and announces her as his choosen wife to the people of the lands and divine council.

When the Greeks rose to power she would become known as Enȳṓ (also spelled as Enyo), the goddess of war. She was called the “Sister of War” and was the mother of the war god Enyalius. As goddess of war, she is responsible for orchestrating the destruction of cities, often accompanying Árēs into battle. She is depicted as “supreme in war”. She is so delighted in warfare that she even refused to take sides in the battle between Zeus and the monster Typhon. By the Romans she was called Bellona.


Character Information

Real Name

Gracie Portilla


Gracie the Porthole


Grace Portilla
Gracie the Porthole
Gracie Amarsanaa



Current Age

588 years old (Phase 1)

Date of Birth

5392 AD in Ireland > Earth-3.13 > Transylvania

Date of Death

August 2, 5927 AD in Scotland > Earth-3.13 > Transylvania

Family Information

Marriage Name

Family Name: Amarsanaa

Spouse and Children

Garamgai Amarsanaa (Husband)
➥ Tierney Amarsanaa (Daughter)
➥ Gréagóir Amarsanaa (Son)
➥ Deaglán Amarsanaa (Son)
➥ Iúile Amarsanaa (Daughter)
➥ Fionnbharr Amarsanaa (Son)

Relative Information

Surname/Family Name

Family Name: Portilla

Parents and Siblings

Rowan Portilla (Father)
Maureen Conroy (Mother)

Character Biology



Werewolf (Turned)

Height and Weight

5’3″ (160.02 cm)
112lbs (50.8023kg)


Biological Gender


Gender Identity




Auras and Abilities

Active Abilities


Passive Abilities


Paraphernalia and Contacts












Datrov Pack
Lucius Pack
The Armory
Pact of Marduk


Conceição Ventura
Euan Grier
Garamgai Amarsanaa
Tyrone Davis
Mihaila Filipov
Rose Lesauvage
Lilyana Petrov
Lucius Nikolaev
Selene Dobrev


Enemy Factions

Lucius Pack
Hughes Pack


Lucius Nikolaev
Selene Dobrev
Logan Hughes
Maisie Blair


Yarasah baYahauah Gallery

Gracie Portilla


Gracie Portilla Gracie Portilla Gracie Portilla Gracie Portilla Gracie Portilla Gracie Portilla Gracie Portilla Gracie Portilla