Table of Contents


with Yazaraā

The form of Yarakham would go on into the realm of creation and create for herself a soulmate husband known as Yazaraā, who represented the earth and was her aligned spouse. Together they would make the first of her lineage for the Yarakham family tree.

  1. Zaraāh baYarakham (Son)
    1. Terramara baZaraāh (Daughter) by Naqauadah
    2. Thalagea baZaraāh (Daughter) by Naqauadah
    3. Pelagion baZaraāh (Son) by Naqauadah
    4. Mareterra baZaraāh (Daughter) by Naqauadah
    5. Cosmogenes baZaraāh (Son) by Yaharah
    6. Aethera baZaraāh (Daughter) by Yaharah
    7. Celestara baZaraāh (Daughter) by Yaharah
    8. Uratheon baZaraāh (Son) by Yaharah
  2. Oceanus Uranusidas (Son)
    1. Acheloos Oceanusidas (Son) by Tēthýs
    2. Alpheus Oceanusidas (Son) by Tēthýs
      1. Melanthea Alpheusion (Daughter)
        1. Eirḗnē Poseidonion (Daughter) by Yanahar
      2. Phoenissa Alpheusion (Daughter)
        1. Endymion Zeusidas (Son) by Yahauah
    3. Scamander Oceanusidas (Son) by Tēthýs
    4. Kallirhoe Oceanusion (Daughter) by Tēthýs
    5. Kluménē Oceanusion aka Asia (Daughter) by Tēthýs
      1. Átlas Iapetósidas (Son) by Iapetós
        1. Hyádes (Daughters) by Pleione
        2. Pleiades (Daughters) by Pleione
        3. Hūás Átlasidas (Son) by Pleione
        4. Calypso Átlasion (Daughter) by Pleione
        5. Diṓnē Átlasion (Daughter) by Pleione
      2. Menoitios Iapetósidas (Son) by Iapetós
    6. Eurynómē Oceanusion (Daughter) by Tēthýs
    7. Doris Oceanusion (Daughter) by Tēthýs
      1. Nērítēs (Son) by Nereus
      2. Nērēḯdes (Daughters) by Nereus
    8. Eidyîa Oceanusion (Daughter) by Tēthýs
    9. Libýē Oceanusion (Daughter) by Tēthýs
      1. Tríteia Trítōnion (Daughter) by Trítōn
      2. Pallás Trítōnion (Daughter) by Trítōn
      3. Kallístē Trítōnion (Daughter) by Trítōn
    10. Metis Oceanusion (Daughter) by Tēthýs
      1. Poros Zeusidas (Son) by Yahauah
    11. Styx Oceanusion (Daughter) by Tēthýs
      1. Bia Pallasion (Daughter) by Pallas
      2. Kratus Pallasidas (Son) by Pallas
        1. Baboulas Kratusidas (Son) by Empousa
      3. Nike Pallasion (Daughter) by Pallas
      4. Zêlos Pallasidas (Son) by Pallas
  3. Tēthýs Uranusion (Daughter)
    1. See Oceanus Uranusidas
  4. Hyperion Uranusidas (Son)
    1. None by Theía
  5. Theía Uranusion (Daughter)
    1. See Hyperion Uranusidas
  6. Koîos Uranusidas (Son)
    1. Lētṓ Koîosion (Daughter) by Phoíbē
    2. Asteríē Koîosion (Daughter) by Phoíbē
  7. Phoíbē Uranusion (Daughter
    1. See Koîos Uranusidas
  8. Mnemosyne Uranusion (Daughter)
  9. Krios Uranusidas (Son) by Yazaraā
    1. Astraeus Kriosidas (Son) by Eurybia
    2. Pérsēs Kriosidas (Son) by Eurybia
      1. None by Asteríē
    3. Pallas Kriosidas (Son) by Eurybia
      1. Bia Pallasion (Daughter) by Styx
      2. Kratus Pallasidas (Son) by Styx
        1. Baboulas Kratusidas (Son) by Empousa
      3. Nike Pallasion (Daughter) by Styx
      4. Zêlos Pallasidas (Son) by Styx
  10. Iapetós Uranusidas (Son)
    1. Átlas Iapetósidas (Son) by Kluménē
      1. Hyádes (Daughters) by Pleione
      2. Pleiades (Daughters) by Pleione
      3. Hūás Átlasidas (Son) by Pleione
      4. Calypso Átlasion (Daughter) by Pleione
      5. Diṓnē Átlasion (Daughter) by Pleione
    2. Menoitios Iapetósidas (Son) by Kluménē
  11. Hoʻohokukalani (Daughter)
    1. Hāloa (Daughter) by Yazaraā
      1. Ahuahu Kaloni (Son) by Mapuana Kaloni
        1. Ahuahu Kaloni Jr. (Son) by Mahoe Kaeo
          1. … Haunani Ariki (Son)
            1. Pomaika’i Ariki (Son) by Kilohana Kina
              1. Keoni Ariki (Son) by Milena Kealoha
                1. None by Elin Blackburn

with Yahar

The form of Yarakham would go on into the realm of creation and create for herself a soulmate husband known as Yazaraā, who represented the earth. However, she would go on to make a second mate who was called Yahar, who would represent the mountains or the heavens. Together they would make the second of her lineage for the Yarakham family tree.

  1. Yaharah baYarakham (Daughter)
    1. Cosmogenes baZaraāh (Son) by Zaraāh
    2. Aethera baZaraāh (Daughter) by Zaraāh
    3. Celestara baZaraāh (Daughter) by Zaraāh
    4. Uratheon baZaraāh (Son) by Zaraāh

with Yanaqad

The form of Yarakham would go on into the realm of creation and create for herself a soulmate husband known as Yazaraā, who represented the earth. However, she would go on to make a third mate who was called Yanaqad, who would represent the sea or the underworld. Together they would make the third of her lineage for the Yarakham family tree.

  1. Naqudah baYarakham (Daughter)
    1. Terramara baZaraāh (Daughter) by Zaraāh
    2. Thalagea baZaraāh (Daughter) by Zaraāh
    3. Pelagion baZaraāh (Son) by Zaraāh
    4. Mareterra baZaraāh (Daughter) by Zaraāh
  2. Nereus Póntosidas (Son)
    1. Nērítēs (Son) by Doris
    2. Nērēḯdes (Daughters) by Doris
  3. Thaumas Póntosidas (Son)
    1. Îris Thaumasion (Daughter) by Ēléktra
    2. Árkē Thaumasion (Daughter) by Ēléktra
    3. Aellō Thaumasion (Daughter) by Ēléktra
    4. Ocypete Thaumasion (Daughter) by Ēléktra
    5. Kelaino Thaumasion (Daughter) by Ēléktra
  4. Phorcus Póntosidas (Son)
    1. Hesperides (Daughters) by Kētṓ
    2. Sthenṓ the Gorgon (Daughter) by Kētṓ
    3. Euryálē the Gorgon (Daughter) by Kētṓ
    4. Médousa the Gorgon (Daughter) by Kētṓ
    5. Graeae (Daughters) by Kētṓ
    6. Thoösa Phorcusion (Daughter) by Kētṓ
      1. Polyphēmos Poseidonidas (Son) by Yanahar
    7. Skýlla Phorcusion (Daughter) by Kētṓ
    8. Ékhidna Phorcusion (Daughter) by Kētṓ
      1. Ladonos Typhônidas (Son) by Typhôn
    9. Seirênes (Daughters) by Kētṓ
  5. Kētṓ Póntosion (Daughter)
  6. Eurybia Póntosion (Daughter)
    1. Astraeus Kriosidas (Son) by Krios
    2. Pérsēs Kriosidas (Son) by Krios
    3. Pallas Kriosidas (Son) by Krios

with Yahayah

During her days as Gaîa with the Greeks, she would become close to Yahayah again in his visage of Krónos and Aether. Together they would continue the Yarakham family tree. This is also when things became tense and rocky between Yasharah and Yahayah.

  1. Meili Odinson (Son)

with Yadayan

After the Great Exile, Papahānaumoku aka Yarakham would be visited by Iahud aka Yadayan. Together they would spend their days together in one of the tribes who worship her. From their union they would continue the Yarakham family tree.

  1. Hatzalah baYadayan (Daughter)