Nauaār baYahauah

Edon (real name: Nauaār baYahauah) is the daughter of siblings, Yahauah and Naāmah. She is considered the most pure and innocent of the divine beings. She was given guardianship over the fruits that granted eternal youth by her grandfather, Yahayah.

Table of Contents

History of Nauaār baYahauah

The Pure

Nauaār baYahauah was born in the Shomer universe before the collapse of the Chronoverse. She was the daughter of siblings, Yahauah and Naāmah. She is considered the most pure and innocent of the divine beings. She was given guardianship over the fruits that granted eternal youth by her grandfather, Yahayah, and was one of the few grandchildren who he cherished.

Because of her role as keeper of eternal youth a curse was placed on her by Yahayah, one that prevented any divine being from laying with her with the intent to reproduce. His hope was to maintain her purity, however, it did nothing but disallowed her ability to create heirs for the throne rather than prevent her from eventually taking a husband.

The Great Exile

During the days that led up to the Great Exile, she would be whisked away to the land of Erabot in Qur by The Protector. She was confused by what was going on but was told that it was the best choice to help protect her from the darkness that was to come.

She would take on the name of Edon (also spelled Edun), meaning “little fire” and “era”. The name was also a derivative of the land of Eden. Once the doors of Erabot closed from access then she was never seen again by any of the divine beings who were born from the primordials.

Goddess of Eternal Youth

When her family ventured to the lands of Earth, she would take on the name of Nisaba and would also be called Nanibgal and Nunbarshegunu. She was a member of her father’s court, the Court of Enlil. She was seen as the goddess of writing and grain. She spent much of her time with Ḫaya, who they called her husband, but was more like a teacher to her. Her authority as the scribe of the gods declined when Nabu took on that role fully. She would later take on the name of Aya and Sherida, goddess of the dawn.

With the Egyptians she was known as Renpet, meaning “year.” She was the symbol of and goddess of time. She was often referred to as the Mistress of Eternity and was also the goddess of fertility, youth, and spring. She was the symbol that they used to mark the beginning of the regnal year of the pharaoh.

When the Greeks and Romans emerged, she was called Hḗbē (also spelled Hebe). She was the goddess of eternal youth and old age, prime of life, and forgiveness. She would be given the epithet of Ganymeda, meaning Gladdening Princess, and was the cupbearer of the gods serving them nectar and ambrosia. She would become known as the divine wife of Heracles. To the Romans she was known as Juventas (also spelled Iuventus, and Juventus). To the Romans she was known as the goddess of youth and rejuvenation.

By the Norse she was worshipped as the goddess Iðunn (also spelled Idunn, and Idun). She was a goddess associated with fruit and youth. She was described as the wife of the skaldic god Bragi. Not only was she a keeper of fruit but also the granter of eternal youthfulness. Loki was once forced by the jötunn Þjazi to lure Iðunn out of Asgard and into a wood with the promise of apples even fairer than her own. Þjazi, in the form of an eagle, abducts Iðunn from the wood, bearing her off to his home.


Character Information

Real Name

[𒀭𒉀] Nisaba (Sumerian)
[𒀭𒀀𒀀] Aya (Mesopotamian)
[Rnpt] Renpet (Egyptian)
[Ἥβη] Hḗbē (Greek)
Juventas (Roman)
Iðunn (Norse)

Current Age
Date of Birth
in NibiruShomerŠamym

Family Information

Marriage Name

Not applicable

Spouse and Children

The Protector (Partner)
➥ Sud

Gilgamesh (Partner)
➥ None

Bragi (Partner)
➥ None

Relative Information

Surname/Family Name
Parents and Siblings

Yahauah baYahayah (Father)
➥ Hayalal baYahauah (Half Brother)
➥ Gaphan baYahauah (Half Sister)
➥ Karamalah baYahauah (Sister)
➥ Yaaras baYahauah (Brother)
➥ Yarasah baYahauah (Sister)
➥ Éris Zeusion (Sister)
➥ Móði Thorson (Brother)
➥ Magni Thorson (Brother)
➥ Moya Jones (Half Sister)
➥ Shǎndiàn Jones-Bāo (Half Brother)
➥ Dylan Jones (Half Brother)
➥ Whitney Jones (Half Sister)
Naāmah baYahayah (Mother)
➥ Nanshe baYanahar (Half Sister)
➥ Kishefdik baYadayan (Half Sister)
➥ Ullr Baldurson (Half Brother)

Character Biology


Height and Weight


Biological Gender
Gender Identity

Auras and Abilities

Active Abilities

Birth ManipulationContainer ManipulationFertility ManipulationFruit ManipulationGrowth ManipulationImmortality BestowalImmortality ManipulationImmortality RemovalPlant GrowthPlant MagicPlant ManipulationRegeneration ManipulationVegetable ManipulationWood ManipulationYouth InducementYouth Manipulation

Passive Abilities

Absolute ImmortalityEnhanced BeautyFertility Deity PhysiologyGuardianshipHealing auraLife-Force AuraSpring Deity PhysiologyYouth Deity Physiology

Paraphernalia and Contacts




Mistress of Eternity
Cupbearer of the Gods





The Protector




Lucyfer baHayalal

Enemy Factions


Nauaār baYahauah Gallery