History of The Protector
Land of Erabot
The Protector exists in the realm of Qur, and has sealed away his territory from everyone in the Chronoverse. He is considered the protector of the fabricate of the Chronoverse as well as the protector of the secrets of the Throne of Heavens. He is rarely seen, but the pure of soul may enter his realm to seek an audience with him.
Erabot is the first territory of Qur. It is the dwelling place of The Protector, ophanim, seraphim, and hayyoth. It is a place of gold and jewels where only the most pure of souls can enter. The territory was locked away from The Maalik’s access and has been the resting place of many secrets of the Throne of Heavens even to this day.
The Scribe
During the time when Qur first entered the fray of realms, he would make himself known to the people as Ḫayà (also spelled Haya, and Ḫaià). He was associated with scribal arts and grain. He was considered the husband of Nisaba and was an official in the service of Enlil.
He was sparsely attested to during those times, but was also called Lugalkisa’a (also spelled Lugalkisia), meaning “lord of the retaining wall.” Also, he is responsible for marking down the years of a king’s reign in the “tablet of life,” a mythical artifact used by gods to keep track of deeds of mortals.
The daughter of him and Nisaba was the goddess Sud. A hymn dedicated to him equates him with Indagara, the husband of the goddess Kusu. In the hymn, Indagara and Kusu are collectively referred to as “the continual providers of the great meals of An and Enlil in their grand dining-hall.”