Hailey Betza

Dixie Betza is the seventh generation Queen of Bayt Betza and Bayt Caritas with Ronaldo Caritas serving on her council as an advisor and Chieftain to Bayt Caritas. Her generation was know as the New Voyage generation.

Table of Contents

History of Hailey Betza

The Seventh Generation of Greed

Hailey Betza was born before the Chronoverse collapsed and in universe 9.0 Shuk, which was before the emergence of the universe of Zetalon. In their universe the descendants of the primordial beings did not exist and so those who descended from the seven deadly sins were counted as royals and were each assigned a planet under the rulership of Yadayan in his Iahud persona.

By the time of her birth, Iahud had vanished but a hidden figure had kept up appearances that their master, Iahud, was still alive. This allowed him to maintain control and have his will imposed against the other Khashak families.

Hailey is the seventh generation of the Bayt Betza with her generation of the Dam Fandorah known as the New Voyage generation. Their generation was one that did not know of the old times for the desires. They were to some extent spoiled in that regard but dealt with their own challenges and would be the first generation to enter Zetalon. Also, their generation is the first generation to not follow the religious devout worship of a primordial.

Nonetheless, as the youngest of her generation of desires, she blossomed later into her desires as a child of the royal families. However, that allowed for her to see how it impacted her cousins and she decided to be more wise with her choices than them. That being said Maria Atzlut and Hailey were close friends during their time of growing up since they were born in the same year.

The Queen of Greed

When they entered Zetalon as the seventh generation of Dam Fandorah it was after a forty three year war with a man named Cyrus Barak. A war that left their universe in shambles. The man caused the rift that began the merge and then disappeared when the merge completed.

Her mother and father, along with every generation of the Dam Fandorah before then either perished in the war or in the merging of the universe into the one singular universe. This left her as the Queen of the Bayt Betza and her mother’s council looking to her for leadership.

However, with the merging of universes her elders Leana and Aeolina held a claim to the throne too. When her mother’s council saw that the blood of their original god, Yadabaq, and the Betza family was ready to lead they would throw their support behind them. Leana though gave Hailey a seat on the council of the Bayt Betza.

Hailey Betza

Character Information

Real Name

Hailey Betza







Current Age

years old (Phase 1)

Date of Birth

in Paz > Mochi > Venus-9.0 > Shuk

Date of Death

Family Information

Surname/Family Name

Family Name: Betza

Marriage Name

Not applicable

Spouse and Children

Unknown (Soulmate Husband)
➥ Shaphe Betza (Daughter)
➥ Gibora Betza (Son)

Parents and Siblings

Lakmi Betza (Father)
Dixie Betza (Mother)

Character Biology




Height and Weight

5’5″ (165.1 cm)
120lbs (54.4311kg)


Biological Gender


Gender Identity




Auras and Abilities

Active Abilities

Absorption ⬬ Avarice Inducement ⬬ Currency Generation ⬬ Dermal Armor ⬬ Energy Absorption ⬬ Gold Constructs ⬬ Gold Generation ⬬ Gold Manipulation ⬬ Gold Transmutation ⬬ Greed Constructs ⬬ Greed Manifestation ⬬ Monetary Manipulation ⬬ Power Absorption ⬬ Quantity Manipulation ⬬ Replication

Passive Abilities

Absolute Contract ⬬ Absolute Thievery ⬬ Gold Empowerment ⬬ Greed Aura ⬬ Greed Empowerment ⬬ Greed Magic ⬬ Immortality

Paraphernalia and Contacts











Enemy Factions





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Hailey Betza

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Hailey Betza

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Hailey Betza

Hailey Betza Hailey Betza Hailey Betza Hailey Betza

Hailey Betza

Hailey Betza Hailey Betza Hailey Betza

Hailey Betza

Hailey Betza Hailey Betza Hailey Betza Hailey Betza