{9.0} Shuk

Established in the year 115 AD

Status: Destroyed

Shuk is one of the many universes that were created when Iah and the Gavah Moatzah decided to seal off the prime universe along with universal travel. Iahud along with Sorceress and the Dam Fandorah’s sixth generation leaders were cast into this universe.

The universe was named after Iahud’s emporium and called “Market”. In the language of the people it was called שוק meaning market, and marketeer.

Affiliated Characters

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Annabelle Giluy

Annabelle Fisher

Clarissa Sato Brandão

Clarissa Sato Brandão

The Iustum
Elisandra Sato Brandão

Elisandra Sato Brandão

The Reliquit
Emelia Leubh

Emelia Leubh

Khanum Revelation
Francis Taavah

Francis Taavah

Cabrot Amat

Gabriella Fisher

Lady Amet
Hailey Betza

Hailey Betza

Duchess Avarice
Harper Teavon

Harper Teavon

Lady Gluttony
Red Wolf

Heather Freeze

Arcane Tristia
Katherine Zaam

Katherine Zaam

Czarina Wrath
Kele Giluy

Kele Giluy

Khan Revelation
The Sorceress

Kishefdik baYadayan

The Sorceress