The Scribe

The Scribe is the keeper of records for the Gavah Moatzah. She dwells on Natsar, which exists outside of time and the Chronoverse. She was in charge of the Watchers before they were led astray but still maintains order on her space station like home.

She is the mother of Sifrut the Eternal Child, by an unnamed father. She has captured Yadabaq's attention on many occasions due to his love of knowledge and has held many intellectual debates and conversations with him.

Table of Contents

History of The Scribe

The Realm of Natsar

The Scribe exists outside of time and the Chronoverses in a quarantined realm that was created by original primordial beings to house the messengers they called Watchers. However, the Gavah Moatzah came to an agreement with the primordial beings of old to appoint The Scribe as the chief of Natsar so she may keep an eye on the progress of things across time.

In the times of Mesopotamia they worshipped the Scribe as the goddess Mamu (or Mamud). They associated her with dreams as the futures she wrote and described to them were like something from the dream realm in their eyes. Which is ironic since her daughter, Sifrut the Eternal Child, would go on to become The Dreamer, master of the Dream Realm.

Her name in their language literally meant “dream”. Sumerian had two words with that meaning which were not fully interchangeable. The word mašĝi could designate any type of dream, mamu was specifically a meaningful dream, which was regarded as capable of influencing the future. They believed that the dreams they had were messages from her from other gods.

Gavah Moatzah

As the Gavah Moatzah settled the universe of Zetalon and established themselves as the new primordial gods of the land, they also completed tasks that would impact the entirety of the Chronoverses by creating their own realms that existed outside of time. Through negotiations with the primordial beings, primarily Yadayan, the Gavah Moatzah came to an agreement to place The Scribe in charge of Natsar.

She is one of six entities that appeared out of nowhere to serve the Gavah Moatzah in their goals and needs. The Scribe who was placed in the realm of Natsar to record all of time and space. The Maalik was placed in charge of the dead in the realm of Kur. The Gifter was placed in charge of granting wishes and lived in the realm of Kur. The Warden was placed in charge of Beyt-Kele to maintain order across the Chronoverse. The Threader was placed at Beyt Gavah and placed in charge of healing the universe. The Dreamer who was placed in charge of the realm of Dreams.

The Queen of the Underworld

When the realm of Qur first became accessible to the divine of Šamym, she was known as Ereshkigal and Ninkigal. She was the goddess of Qur, the land of the dead. She is the wife of Nergal, mother of Mamu, and step mother of Tadmuštum. Her name of Ninkigal meant Lady of the Great Earth, a reference to the expansiveness of the land of Qur, which was like several universes within one realm. She was one of the Seven Who Judge and governed justice for the souls of the dead, living, and divine.

When Egypt emerged as a ruling power, they would refer to her as Isis. Her worship spread worship spread throughout the Greco-Roman world. She is the wife of Osiris and she helped to protect the dead as they entered the afterlife. During her time as Isis she was considered the mother of Horus. er maternal aid was invoked in healing spells to benefit ordinary people.

During the reign of the Greeks she would begin to travel back and forth from Qur to Natsar more often and would be called Persephónē (also spelled Persephone). She was also known as Kórē the maiden (also spelled Cora), and was the queen of the underworld, wife of Hā́idēs. She was considered a goddess of spring, the dead, the underworld, grain, and nature. The Romans called her Proserpina and Libera. Zeus spun long tales of propaganda during those days, claiming her as his daugther and was abducted by Hā́idēs. However, this was accepted by the mortals because of her cyclical return to Natsar during the spring and return to the realm of Qur in the autumn.

The Celtic people called her Rhodysa, wife of Arawn, and queen of the otherworld realm, Annwn. During this time period the records of who she was and what she accomplished were destroyed. Thus, not much is known about her during this era.

During the last kingdom of the Norse, she was called Sinmara, and was known as a jötunn. She was the wife of the fiery Surtr, the lord of Muspelheim. She is the keeper of the legendary weapon Lævateinn. Her name was a combination of Sin-, meaning “sinew” or “nerves”, and -mara, meaning “broad” or “wide”. She was also associated as a close ally of Hel, governor of the Norse underworld.

The name she was called by her subjects in Irqalla was that of Irkalla, she is wife to Kur who they called their land Qur when referring it with him as the focus. She is the biological mother of Sifrut the Eternal Child, step-mother of Macaria the Blessed One, and step-mother of Zagreus the Pit. She has spent her existence serving as the Heart of the underworld while her husband serves as the Mind.


Character Information

Real Name




Codename in Zetish

High: 𒊬


The Scribe
[𒀭𒊩𒌆𒆠𒃲] Ereshkigal (Sumerian)
Ninkigal (Mesopotamian)
Isis (Egyptian)
[𐤎𐤐𐤓] Séfer (Phoenician)
[Περσεφόνη] Persephónē (Greek)
[Κόρη] Kórē (Greek)
Proserpina (Roman)
Rhodysa (Celtic)
Sinmara (Norse)



Current Age

years old (Phase 1)

Date of Birth

Unknown in Unknown

Date of Death

Not applicable

Family Information

Surname/Family Name


Marriage Name

Not applicable

Spouse and Children

Unknown (Lover)
➥ Sifrut (Daughter)
The Maalik (Husband)
➥ Fandorah (Adopted Daughter)
➥ Gishbanda (Step-Son)
➥ Hauron (Son)

Parents and Siblings

Unknown (Father)
Unknown (Mother)

Character Biology




Height and Weight

5’5″ (165.1 cm)
170lbs (77.1107kg)


Biological Gender


Gender Identity




Auras and Abilities

Active Abilities

Absolute Law Manipulation ⬬ Absolute Physical Law Manipulation ⬬ Almighty Law Creation ⬬ Body language analysis ⬬ Causality Manipulation ⬬ Concord Manipulation ⬬ Control Manipulation ⬬ Exotic Law Manipulation ⬬ Judgement Manipulation ⬬ Justice Manipulation ⬬ Law Creation ⬬ Law Manipulation ⬬ Meta Fate Manipulation ⬬ Oath Manipulation ⬬ Order Magic ⬬ Peace Manipulation ⬬ Permutation Manipulation ⬬ Primordial Order Manipulation ⬬ Principle Manipulation ⬬ Supernatural Law Manipulation

Passive Abilities

Absolute Command ⬬ Deduction Mastery ⬬ Enhanced Charisma ⬬ Enhanced Memory ⬬ Investigation Mastery ⬬ Law Inducement ⬬ Law Mastery ⬬ Lie Detection ⬬ Surveillance Mastery

Paraphernalia and Contacts







The Scribe





Moatzah Zeman
Arbe Alut
Cult of Qur


[𒆳] The Maalik
[𒄖] The Threader
[𒅕] The Dreamer
[𒅗] The Warden
[𒌋] The Gifter
[𒋻] The Decider


Enemy Factions





The Scribe Gallery

The Scribe

Beyt Gavah

The Scribe The Scribe The Scribe The Scribe



Ereshkigal Ereshkigal Ereshkigal Ereshkigal



Ninkigal Ninkigal Ninkigal Ninkigal



Isis Isis Isis Isis



The Scribe The Scribe The Scribe The Scribe

Persephónē / Kórē


Persephónē Persephónē Persephónē Persephónē

Proserpina / Cora


Proserpina Proserpina Proserpina Proserpina



Rhodysa Rhodysa Rhodysa Rhodysa



Sinmara Sinmara Sinmara Sinmara

The Scribe


The Scribe The Scribe The Scribe The Scribe



Irkalla Irkalla Irkalla Irkalla Irkalla Irkalla Irkalla Irkalla Irkalla Irkalla Irkalla Irkalla