{10.0} Mustagoph-10.0

Established in the year 115 AD

Status: Destroyed

The planet Mustagoph-10.0 sits within the universe of Taalumah. Mustagoph was the capital of the Sinz and Sithrim. It is a red planet with fire and brimstone, but capable of supporting life.


Parent Territory

Major Territories

Affiliated Characters

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Aeolina Betza

Aeolina Betza

President Novice

Anita King

Arcane Vixen
Arcane Bishop

Arcane Bishop

The Bishop
Avaritia Betza

Avaritia Betza

Queen Avaritia
Dante Diadem

Dante Diadem

Arcane Lucifer
Officer Tao

David Tao

Francine Charm

Francine Charm

Senator Charm
Freddy Freeze

Freddy Freeze

The Agent
Gavrel Federation

Gavrel Federation

Commander Federation
Red Wolf

Heather Freeze

Arcane Tristia
Arcane Tyrannous

Jaquez King

Arcane Tyrannous
Arcane Novice

Junior Novice

Arcane Novice