Tales of Covens and Pacts

Tales of Covens and Pacts: History of Vampires and Werewolves

Published: May 1, 2024

Phase 1

The feud of their fathers was passed down to them, which has created an eternal hatred between Carmilla, the Mother of Vampires, and Marduk, the Father of Werewolves. Vlad Dracul takes up the mantle of the vampire order, claiming the land of Romania, while Lycaon organized the werewolves of Bulgaria. The two zealots over the centuries have fought for supremacy of their own species across the earth.

The Chronicles of Blood and Time Series

The multiverse has collapsed and from its ashes a new universe, Zetalon, is born. However, five factions who worshipped the primordial gods of old and reject the new gods are all vying for control over the new universe. The old factions remain distracted while the new gods and their followers must contend with the cracks that are appearing in the fabric of space across their universe. Join the Chronicles of Blood and Time to see which faction reigns supreme and to see if something much more dire is occurring in Zetalon.

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Lady Carmilla

Karamalah baYahauah

Lady Carmilla
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Lycaon of Arcadia

Lycaon of Arcadia

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Vlad Dracul III

Vlad Dracul III

Vlad the Impaler
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Yanahar baYahayah

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