Yaāṣab Leubh

Tristia (real name: Yaāṣab Leubh) is the fourth and final daughter born between Gleubh (Yadabaq) and his soulmate wife Leubh (Yaphaqad). Yaātsab was born after Adapa and Khawa were banished from Eden. Her world would fall apart after she had made her 30.50 lifecycle after the emergence of the Germanic people. She was sent into hiding with the protection of her older brother.

Table of Contents

History of Yaāṣab Leubh

The Fugitive

Yaāṣab Leubh aka Tristia was born in the Shomer universe before the emergence of the Chronoverse. She is the fourth and final daughter born between Gleubh (Yadabaq) and his soulmate wife Leubh (Yaphaqad). Yaāṣab was born after Adapa and Khawa were banished from Eden. Her world would fall apart after she had made her 30.50 lifecycle after the emergence of the Germanic people. She was sent into hiding with the protection of her older brother.

During the times of the great Arcane & Republic wars her sisters served on the The Hand of the Arcanes to protect her father’s interest and to weed out those who would dare defy him and his will. However, her oldest sister, Apokalupsis, took on the role of Grand Heir and leader of the Hand. While her older brother, Raphael, took on the role of the role of High Lord of The Acolytes, the military force of the Arcanes.

The Tragedy

However, a heinous act would be committed against the house of Yadabaq. Before his the last kingdom of the Norse was truly in bloom, Yaāṣab, her mother, and her three siblings: Yagalah, Taqomah, and Lašḫoṭ were all slaughtered by an attack from the Jedz Republic. Her father, Gleubh, was able to hide away her niece, Amar, but he was overpowered and locked away. She, as the youngest sister, was taken by their brother, Raphael, into hiding.

Once Gleubh was freed, he was not able to revive his family but they had been placed into a stasis by his most loyal followers. He later imbued his great great granddaughter, Heather Freeze, with elements of Tristia to try and revive his once family.

Goddess of Sadness

In the early days of the expansion to Earth, she was called Etutu. Her name means state of being dark. She is the goddess of sadness and sorrow in the Sumerian religion. She is an archer among the elite of her father’s army.

When the Egyptians rose to power she would be called Kkw. She was the goddess of sorrow and darkness. Her name means the state of being dark or sunken. At times she was affiliated with Nephthys and her entourage.

The Phoenicians were the next to come to power and they would call her Eṣab. As Eṣab, she was the Phoenician goddess of nerves, sadness, and sorrow. She was also seen as the patron goddess of archers.

The rise of the Greek and Romans brought on a new era and she would be called Lýpē, the Greek goddess of sadness, sorrow, and misery. She may have also been called Achlys, amongst the Greeks. She was birthed by the darkness and emerged with flaming hair. By the Romans she is known as Tristitia.

The Slavic and Celtic people called her Smútok and Bròn. As Smútok, she was the Slavic goddess of sadness and grief. Her stories in their religion have been erased besides minor mentions. As Bròn, she was the Celtic goddess of grief, sadness, sorrow, mourning, lamentation, and affliction. She has also been called Saitada.

During the last kingdom of the Norse, better known as Nanna Nepsdóttir, is the Norse goddess of grief and consolation. She is best known for her deep love for Baldur and as the mother of Forseti.


Character Information

Real Name
Yaāṣab Leubh

Yeṣab / Jeṣab / Ieṣab
Heather Freeze

Current Age
Date of Birth
in KanzalShomerŠamym

Family Information

Marriage Name
Spouse and Children

Baldur Odinson (Soulmate Husband)
➥ Forseti Baldurson (Son)

Ezekiel Lucing (Husband)
➥ Abilan Tao (Son)

David Tao (Husband)
➥ Stacy Tao (Daughter)

Relative Information

Surname/Family Name
Parents and Siblings

Yadabaq (Father)
➥ Anzû (Half Brother)
➥ Ušumgallu (Half Sister)
➥ Zarqa-Ilani (Half Brother)
➥ Iltanu-Shimtu (Half Sister)
➥ Luhhuzzu (Half Brother)
➥ Nur-Duranki (Half Brother)
➥ Belilatu (Half Sister)
➥ Ezekiel Lucing (Half Brother)
➥ Maseth baYadabaq (Half Brother)
➥ Suth baYadabaq (Half Sister)
➥ Nefro (Half Brother)
➥ Maglah (Half Brother)
➥ Sond (Half Sister)
➥ Ronald Travert (Half Brother)
➥ Robyn Travert (Half Sister)
➥ Anita King (Half Sister)
➥ Zacchaeus King (Half Brother)
➥ Jaquez King (Half Brother)
➥ Markeith King (Half Brother)
➥ Leana Betza (Half Sister)
➥ Aeolina Betza (Half Sister)
Yaphaqad (Mother)
➥ Yagalah Leubh (Sister)
➥ Lašḫoṭ Leubh (Sister)
➥ Taqomah Leubh (Sister)

Character Biology


Height and Weight

5’6″ (167.64 cm)
130lbs (58.967kg)


Biological Gender
Gender Identity

Auras and Abilities

Active Abilities

Crying InducementDespair InducementEmotion AbsorptionEmotion AttacksEmotion AugmentationEmotion CreationEmotion InducementEmotion InversionEmotion MagicEmotion ManipulationEmotion NegationEmotion RemovalEmpathic Power AugmentationMelancholy ManipulationPsychic Magnetism ManipulationRemote Time TravelSadness AbsorptionSadness AugmentationSadness InducementTime AccelerationTime CollapseTime ManipulationTime Portal CreationTime ReductionTime StoppingTime TheftTime Travel

Passive Abilities

Calm StateEmotion DetectionEmotion EmbodimentEmotion-Connective ImmortalityGuilt EmbodimentMelancholy AuraMelancholy EmbodimentNegative Emotion EmpowermentSadness EmpowermentTragedy Embodiment

Paraphernalia and Contacts



Sharah (Princess)






Enemy Factions



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