Vlad Dracul III

Vlad the Impaler (real name: Vlad Dracul III) was a Prince and King of Wallachia, Romania, the neighbor of Transylvania. He is the most important ruler of the region and was held as a national hero of Romania. He would later be selected by Carmilla to become her first elder vampire and was turned.

Table of Contents

History of Vlad Dracul III

The First Vampire

Vlad Dracul III was born in the Laniakea universe before the collapse of the Chronoverse. He was a Prince and King of Wallachia, Romania, the neighbor of Transylvania. He is the most important ruler of the region and was held as a national hero of Romania. He would later be selected by Carmilla to become her first elder vampire and was turned.

He was the second son of Vlad Dracul, who became the ruler of Wallachia. Vlad and his younger brother, Radu, were held as hostages in the Ottoman Empire, by the werewolves, to secure their father’s loyalty. Vlad’s eldest brother Mircea and their father were murdered after John Hunyadi, regent-governor of Hungary, invaded Wallachia after that.

Peace was restored several years later. However, the Ottoman Sultan, Mehmed II, ordered Vlad to pay homage to him personally, but Vlad had the Sultan’s two envoys captured and impaled. In February, he attacked Ottoman territory, massacring tens of thousands of Turks and Muslim Bulgarians. Mehmed launched a campaign against Wallachia to replace Vlad with Vlad’s younger brother, Radu.

Stories about Vlad’s brutal acts began circulating during his lifetime. After his arrest, courtiers of Matthias Corvinus promoted their spread. The papal legate, Niccolo Modrussiense, had already written about such stories to the Pope.

The Cult of Carmilla

The Cult of Carmilla was started by the first hueman Carmilla ever turned, Vlad Dracul III, to worship her and her divinity to create like the gods do. The Cult is filled with those who are vampires and those who are not but worship their existence.

The Cult emerged in 476 AD and began to combat against the tyrannical werewolves of Marduk. Vlad turned his three children from the woman he loved into vampires so they could lead the cult alongside him. This created a feud between werewolves and vampires for generations to come.

However, the enemies of both groups were the Hunters. Enhanced huemans who were gifted by the gods to hunt down the creations of Carmilla and Marduk.

Vlad Dracul III

Character Information

Real Name

Vlad Dracul III


Vlad the Impaler


Vlad the Impaler
Vlad Tsepesh
Vlad Țepeș
Vlad Dracula



Current Age

5552 years old (Phase 1)

Date of Birth

431 AD in Wallachia > Romania > Earth-3.0 > Laniakea

Date of Death

in Earth-3.0 > Laniakea

Family Information

Surname/Family Name

Family Name: Dracul

Marriage Name

Not applicable

Spouse and Children

Anastasia Maria Holszanska (Wife)
➥ Mihnea Dracul (Son)
Katharina Siegel (Lover)
➥ Vlad Dracul IV (Son)
➥ Catherina Dracul (Daughter)
➥ Christian Dracul (Son)
Ilona Szilágyi (Wife)
➥ Sigismund Dracul (Son)
➥ Hanna Dracul (Daughter)

Parents and Siblings

Vlad II of Wallachia (Father)
➥ Mircea II of Wallachia (Brother)
➥ Radu III the Fair
➥ Vlad IV the Monk
➥ Alexandra of Wallachia (Sister)
Eupraxia of Moldavia (Mother)

Character Biology



Vampire (Elder)

Height and Weight

5’8″ (172.72 cm)
154.9lbs (70.2615kg)


Biological Gender


Gender Identity




Auras and Abilities

Active Abilities


Passive Abilities


Paraphernalia and Contacts











Enemy Factions

The Hunters
Pact of Marduk


Marduk baYanahar
Lycaon of Arcadia
Vlad IV the Monk


Vlad Dracul III Gallery

Vlad Dracul III

Vlad Dracul III Vlad Dracul III Vlad Dracul III Vlad Dracul III