Damien Leblanc

Master Leblanc (real name: Damien Leblanc) was born in Kewanee, one of the cities located in the Pleasure District. His mother took him to the Voodon priests who imbued him with the spirit of Papa Legba.

As he grew up, he would bring order to where he was born as a partner to Madame Mel. He would then become the King of the Pleasure District. A man who was a king of charm and gambling all the same.

History of Damien Leblanc

Youth and the Voodon

Damien Leblanc was born on the planet of Voluptas in Zetalon after the collapse of the Chronoverse. His mother and father lived in a city that would become part of the Pleasure District. This was during the times that the Pleasure District had no order and no laws. His father was abusive towards his mother and would beat her even while pregnant with him.

When the birth of Damien drew near his mother snuck away to her Voodou priests of the Voodon, a subgroup of the Cult of Tawana. After she gave birth she prayed to her gods to protect her son. The Voodon priests performed a ritual that placed the spirit of Papa Legba into the baby’s boy and returned the child to his mother.

Once Damien reached the age of twelve years old he decided to protect his mother during one of his father’s assaults. Damien’s aura fully activated and as a result he killed his father in the process. His mother knew the Mishtara would arrest him and so she told him to run towards the Voodon. The Voodon priests took him in and raised him until the age of sixteen.

King of the Pleasure District

At the age of sixteen in the year 21 ŠNH, Leblanc decided the lawlessness of the Pleasure District couldn’t be allowed to continue. The brutality and disorder was causing harm, but he knew people also would need to have an outlet for their peculiarities if he didn’t want it to spread to the rest of Arlay.

Leblanc decided to take control of the areas that had become known as the Pleasure District and forced the different pimps and crime bosses to either submit to him and serve under his leadership or be a causality in his climb to power.

Some of them submitted, some fought and ultimately submitted, but many were killed by Leblanc and his crew so he could take control of the Pleasure District. He became known as the King of the Pleasure District after the great culling.

A few years after he gained stability, Madame Mel took an interest in him and offered a partnership. Crusandra, Madame Mel, and him entered into a pact to lead Voluptas. He was assigned Olga Vandershine as his partner.

His and Ollie’s interaction were like fire and oil. They sometimes antagonized each other to a point that it was explosive and sometimes they made each other burn with a passion and sadism. His reign lasted for thirty five years before he was arrested by Rickshaw and Huntress and then killed by the Aeoliran Church.

Master Leblanc

Character Information

Real Name
Damien Leblanc
Srasor Leblanc

Papa Legba
Bāl Labla’an
Master Leblanc
Srasor Leblanc
Pimp Leblanc
Broker Leblanc
Mediator Leblanc
Aba Lagbah

Current Age
51 years old (Phase 1)
Date of Birth
Shanimeshar 13, 5 𒆬
in Kewanee ⥈ Otley ⥈ Arlay ⥈ VoluptasZetalon

Family Information

Marriage Name
Spouse and Children

Olga Vandershine (Girlfriend)
➥ None

Mihaila Filipov (Girlfriend)
➥ None

Relative Information

Surname/Family Name
Parents and Siblings

Candida Santos (Mother)
Efrain Leblanc (Father)

Character Biology


Height and Weight

5’6″ (167.64 cm)
142.5lbs (64.6369kg)


Biological Gender
Gender Identity

Auras and Abilities

Active Abilities

Afterlife TransportAge DecelerationCard Game ManipulationCasino ManipulationDice ManipulationImmortality RemovalSelf-ResurrectionSubordination ManipulationSummoningTelekinesis

Passive Abilities

Afterlife LordshipBusiness MasteryEnhanced CharismaGambling IntuitionHell LordshipOmnilingualismProbability ComputationPsychological MasteryRetroactive ImmortalityStaff ProficiencyUnderworld Lordship

Paraphernalia and Contacts






Witch Doctor
Sovereign King



Melanie Vandershine
Olga Vandershine
Paula Bradford
Kami Cook




Kenneth King

Enemy Factions

The Mishtara


Damien Leblanc Gallery