History of Sond
The Chief Psychopomp
Sond was born in the Akhron universe before the collapse of the Chronoverse. She is the daughter of Yadabaq and Yamauat. She is an archdemon that was born by the request of her mother to Yamauat’s brother, her father, to serve as ruler of legions of demons in the realm of Qur.
She would become the mother of World Serpent, ally of Yanahar and enemy of Yahauah. She would also be he founder of “The Princes of Hell” and caused chaos across the Chronoverse in the name of the Aeoliran Faith. She was joined by Lucifer (Lucyfer baHayalal), Ăḇaddōn (Marduk baYanahar), Belphegor (Hauron), Leviathan (Litānu Lokison), Satan (Hayalal baYahauah), Mammon (Magalah), and Beelzebub (Yadabaq).
The Archdemon
As Ašmedāy (also known as Asmodeus, Asmodaios, Ashmedai, Aēšma-daēva, Ashmedai, Asmoday, Asmodai, Asmodee, Osmodeus, Osmodai, Ḫashmedai, Ḫammadai, Šamdon, and Šidonai), her name meant wrathful demon. In the annals of the Hebrew people, she is referenced for the constructing of Solomon’s Temple.
She is considered the ruler of the shedim and is the primary antagonist that disrupts the marriages of Sarah in the annals of the Hebrews. She is the patron goddess of lust and wrath in the pantheon of the Dam Fandorah.
A God of Wrath and Lust
When the Greeks rose to power she would become known as Lússa (also spelled as Lyssa), a goddess of madness and rage. She was also called Lútta (also spelled Lytta). She was a minor goddess and the spirit of rage, fury, and rabies in animals. She was closely tied to Mēlinóē aka Maniae (Mania), the spirit of madness and insanity. She was kniown for driving people insane to their doom. By the Romans she was called Ira, Furor, and Rabies.
During the last kingdom, the Norse kingdom, she would become known as the jötunn Angrboða (also spelled Angrboda). She was the mate of Loki and the mother of monsters. She gave birth to the Midgard serpent Jörmungandr, and was known as an ally of Fenrir and Hel. Her name means “The One Who Brings Grief.”