Kassandra Milan

Kassandra Milan is the biological granddaughter of Yahauah baYahayah and Suth baYadabaq, but is the adopted granddaughter of her cousin, Elisabet Jones. She is the daughter of Whitney Jones and a hueman, Caleb Milan. She heard many stories from her mother about the universe she came from and learned how to rule from Elisabet.

Kassandra took over as the Queen of the House of Yahayah when Ken King decided he didn't have an interest in leading the house but would support Kassandra in her leading the family.

Table of Contents

History of Kassandra Milan

The Granddaughter of Baāl

Kassandra Milan was born after the Chronoverse collapsed and the emergence of the universe of Zetalon. Her mother and father were born in the Shuk universe on Earth-9.0. Her family ancestry is a jumbled mess but is pivotal to who she would become as a queen.

From blood, Kassandra was fathered by Caleb Milan, a hueman of Shuk who worked for the government of that universe. She was birthed by her mother, Whitney Jones, who was the biological daughter of Yahauah baYahayah and Suth baYadabaq. However, Suth was the daughter of Yahauah’s uncle, Yadabaq, and Kishefdik baYadayan. Kishefdik was the daughter of Yahauah’s sister Naāmah baYahayah and their uncle Yadayan.

However, when Whitney was born, Yahauah who was called Yahovah would die for her and she was adopted by her cousin Elisabet Jones. Elisabet was the daughter of Moya Jones and Kaui Riley. Kaui was a hueman in their universe and Moya was the daughter of Yahauah baYahayah and Gilah baNanna. Gilah was the daughter of Nanna baYadayan and the Mother of Vampires, Carmilla baYahauah.

Elisabet would help raise Whitney during her older years and would serve as an example for her while ruling over the government as the Hoischech Gemin. When Kassandra was born she was born as the granddaughter of Yahauah aka Baāl and couldn’t escape that. There were denominations of the Jedim Church who worshipped Iah and Šamyaza and thus worshipped her too.

The Missing Mother

After the death of Tristia aka Heather Tao, things changed in Zetalon as a universe. The people who worked with the Gavah Moatzah to maintain order and found the universe system began to disappear.

First Elisabet would disappear from the universe, then Gabriella disappeared, the last was to go was Whitney. It was as if something swept them up and removed them. There was no traces, nothing the Mishtara or Intelligence could find.

With her mother being gone she had to step up to lead the Jedim Church, Jedim Republic, and House of Yahayah. She was still young when this was occurring but had her cousins, Rickshaw and Stacy, there to support her through the process.

Kassandra Milan

Character Information

Real Name
Kassandra Milan


Current Age
46 years old (Phase 1)
Date of Birth
Rashon 21, 10 𒆬
in Niaria ⥈ Auahi ⥈ Gebaland ⥈ Elam > ⥈ Zetalon

Family Information

Marriage Name
Spouse and Children

Frederico Sato Brandão (Husband)
➥ Ricardo Sato Brandão (Son)

Relative Information

Surname/Family Name
Parents and Siblings

Caleb Milan (Father)
Whitney Jones (Mother)

Character Biology


Height and Weight

5’6″ (167.64 cm)
141.7lbs (64.274kg)


Biological Gender
Gender Identity

Auras and Abilities

Active Abilities

Absolute IllusionDream RecallEnergy ManipulationFear InducementInsanity InducementMadness ManipulationMental Disorder ManipulationNightmare ManipulationOmnifarious (dream world)Oneiric Reality ManipulationPossessionPsychic Energy AbsorptionSleep ManipulationSoul AbsorptionSubjective RealityTormentor (dream world)

Passive Abilities

Fear EmpowermentNightmare Empowerment

Paraphernalia and Contacts



Sovereign Priest


Sovereign Priest




Enemy Factions



Kassandra Milan Gallery