Chronicles of Blood and Time - Chronoverses
Tales of Temptation

Welcome to the Chronoverses

Enter the worlds of the Chronoverses and various stories of the Chronicles of Blood and Time. The multiverse has finally collapsed due to the acts of the primordial gods, leaving only one universe for everyone to exist in. 

Those who survived the merge into Zetalon now must survive while five factions who still worship the primordial gods fight for control over the universe. The Chronicles of Blood and Time is split into five phases and tracks the acts of times before The Great Merge and after. 

Tales of Temptation - Chronoverses

Recent Release

Tales of Temptation

Published on: December 7, 2023

It’s been 56 years since the collapse of the multiverse and the birth of their new universe, Zetalon. Things appear to be normal as Rickshaw leads his team on an arrest to stop two bank robbers. However, his reality is shattered when he learns that the universe is beginning to crack apart due to a secret organization. 

He and his rookie are tasked to investigate the cracks in the universe, the secret organization, and several murders all while five religious factions try to take control of their new universe for the benefit of their primordial god.

Tales of a Madame

Upcoming Release

Tales of a Madame

Anticipated date: April 1, 2024

In chess the king is the most important piece but the queen is the most powerful piece on the chessboard. Combining the moves of both the rook and the bishop, she is a force to be reckoned with. Madame Mel has lived for 536 years and now reigns over the Bidqar in Zetalon. She is ruthless, but before she was that she was a survivor.

Abandoned by her father at the age of 16, Madame Mel serves under the local vampire lord, soon becoming a vampire herself and was given the titles of The Bloody Queen in the Transylvania universe and Patron Saint of orphans and harmed children before she was pulled into Zetalon during the merge.